1993 Freedom 35 Propeller Shaft Diameter

Posted by sitchmo (sylvanm@…>)

I need to pick-up some zincs this weekend before heading to my boat.
Can someone please remind me what the propeller shaft diameter is?



Posted by Bill Hixson (williamwhixson@…>)

Mac,my 1999 F35 has a one inch diamenter prop shaft.
Bill— sitchmo <sylvanm@…> wrote:

I need to pick-up some zincs this weekend before
heading to my boat.
Can someone please remind me what the propeller
shaft diameter is?



Posted by Edward Reiss (ereiss@…>)
my 33-2 is 1 1/8 don’t know if that helps.
On 3/14/07, Bill Hixson <williamwhixson@…> wrote:

Mac,my 1999 F35 has a one inch diamenter prop shaft. Bill— sitchmo <sylvanm@…> wrote:

I need to pick-up some zincs this weekend before> heading to my boat. > Can someone please remind me what the propeller> shaft diameter is?> > Thanks> > Mac> Apsara