Posted by Geoffrey Schultz (>)
[I accidentally posted this in the 2003 group & moved it to this group.]
I’ve heard that Paul Dennis at Warren River Boat Works does some
modifications to the jib box on the 40/40 (45 too?). I believe that
this modification keeps the pin for the sheave from cocking which
causes the sheave to NOT spin. This in turn chafes the jib halyard
where it goes over the sheave.
Has anyone had this modification done and can you describe what changes
were made?
I’ve also been told that WRBW makes a stainless replacement for
aluminum jib box (for several boat units), but I don’t feel the need to
depart with that kind of cash. I have 30,000+ miles on BlueJacket and
it’s held up fine so far.
– Geoff