A Complete Restoration of an Original F33 in Australia

Posted by David Holt (davidholt@…>)

Congratulations on the new site. I can now load photos so easily.
Check out the photos of Night Wing for a quality restoration. This is
a most beautiful yacht to be on board.

David Holt

Posted by svfantasy@… (svfantasy@…>)
Beautiful craftsmanship!! Did you have it done professionally, or is this your work? The woodwork is fantastic. Looks like a new boat. Congrats!!
Jay Glen
F-40CK “Fantasy”
SF Bay

Posted by David Holt (davidholt@…>)

— In FreedomOwnersGroup@yahoogroups.com, “svfantasy@…”
<svfantasy@…> wrote:


A shipwright carried out all work over 18 months for an American
here in Australia. It was completed in 2002 and I purchased Night
Wing a year ago. Night Wing is a treasure and I love owning a yacht
of this unique style and quality. And I am a multi hull freak - work
that one out.

Money was no object and everything was replaced except for the heat
exchanger. A brand new 42 hp diesel was installed and having so much
power is a hugh plus.



Beautiful craftsmanship!! Did you have it done professionally, or
is this your work? The woodwork is fantastic. Looks like a new boat.

Jay Glen

F-40CK “Fantasy”

SF Bay

Posted by David Holt (davidholt@…>)

— In FreedomOwnersGroup@yahoogroups.com, “svfantasy@…”
<svfantasy@…> wrote:


A shipwright carried out all work over 18 months for an American
here in Australia. It was completed in 2002 and I purchased Night
Wing a year ago. Night Wing is a treasure and I love owning a yacht
of this unique style and quality. And I am a multi hull freak - work
that one out.

Money was no object and everything was replaced except for the heat
exchanger. A brand new 42 hp diesel was installed and having so much
power is a hugh plus.



Beautiful craftsmanship!! Did you have it done professionally, or
is this your work? The woodwork is fantastic. Looks like a new boat.

Jay Glen

F-40CK “Fantasy”

SF Bay