Posted by lance_ryley (lance_ryley@…>)
I just wanted to let everyone know there are now 86 registered
members on this board. I know the other board is still being used by
some people - that’s ok, but there definitely won’t be any movement
if we don’t start posting here. Yahoo recently changed their group
policies, so we have a bit more space for posting files and photos
here, so don’t be shy. I know many of you have obscure or out of
print manuals for your boats.
A member pointed out to me that many people receive the posts via
email in journal format. When replying to a post, try to edit down
the original to maybe the last response or two, or the relevant
section to which you’re responding - it’ll make it easier to read the
resulting digest.
Lastly there are two ‘databases’ on this board; one for information
about our boats, and one for information about preferred vendors,
service providers, boat stores, etc. Please use liberally.
It’s Spring and there are a lot of boats for sale (including Bright
Star - hint, hint). If you have web sites for your “for sail” boats,
please feel free to put them in the Links section. Just remember to
clean up when she sells.