Posted by Michael G Katz (mgkatz@…>)
My wife and I are going to take our F38 south from the Chesapeake to N. Carolina for a 7 week fall cruise ending in Wilmington. I have heard bad things about Albemarle Sound–that it gets nasty if the wind is 15 knots. 15 knots is normally what I consider a good cruising breeze.
Some things I’ve heard about the Albemarle even make it sound like a dangerous body of water. Are these reports exaggerated? Should we just cross the Albemarle and continue on down to the Pamlico River, Neuse River, and Pamlico Sound? Albemarle does seem to have a few nice destinations like Edenton, but I am wondering if it is best to just leave it behind.
Any thoughts by folks who have sailed it or live in N. Carolina?
Michael Katz
Posted by merliseclyde (clyde@…>)
Hi Michael,
As of yesterday, Ed Iversen and I are the proud new owners of a F35
(Cassiopeia) out of Oriental, NC, so look us up when you get down to
the Neuse/Pamlico sound! BTW, M&Ms in Oriental is a great place to
eat. We are new to sailing in this area, so at this point cannot help
too much with conditions around Ablemarle. From the locals, we’ve
heard that the sounds can get develop a nasty steep chop in high winds
because of the shallow depths, which may make it uncomfortable to be
out in smaller boats. So far, sailing on the Neuse in 15-20 knots has
been great!
— In, “Michael G Katz”
<mgkatz@c…> wrote:
My wife and I are going to take our F38 south from the Chesapeake to
N. Carolina for a 7 week fall cruise ending in Wilmington. I have
heard bad things about Albemarle Sound–that it gets nasty if the wind
is 15 knots. 15 knots is normally what I consider a good cruising
Some things I’ve heard about the Albemarle even make it sound like a
dangerous body of water. Are these reports exaggerated? Should we
just cross the Albemarle and continue on down to the Pamlico River,
Neuse River, and Pamlico Sound? Albemarle does seem to have a few
nice destinations like Edenton, but I am wondering if it is best to
just leave it behind.
Any thoughts by folks who have sailed it or live in N. Carolina?
Michael Katz
Posted by Michael G Katz (mgkatz@…>)
Thanks for the information on Neuse. I have read that it can be almost as rough as the Albemarle in the right (wrong) conditions, so knowing that you sail it with 15-20 knots makes me think that the Albemarle would be okay in that range as well. Yes, I will keep an eye out for you when we are down there–probably will be in the general area from October 10th to 30th. (We are an F38 named Acquittal.)
Congratulations and enjoy your F35, a really nice boat.
----- Original Message -----
From: merliseclyde
Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2004 9:12 AM
Subject: [freedomyachts2003] Re: Albemarle Sound
Hi Michael,As of yesterday, Ed Iversen and I are the proud new owners of a F35(Cassiopeia) out of Oriental, NC, so look us up when you get down tothe Neuse/Pamlico sound! BTW, M&Ms in Oriental is a great place toeat. We are new to sailing in this area, so at this point cannot helptoo much with conditions around Ablemarle. From the locals, we’veheard that the sounds can get develop a nasty steep chop in high windsbecause of the shallow depths, which may make it uncomfortable to beout in smaller boats. So far, sailing on the Neuse in 15-20 knots hasbeen great!best,Merlise— In, “Michael G Katz”<mgkatz@c…> wrote:> My wife and I are going to take our F38 south from the Chesapeake toN. Carolina for a 7 week fall cruise ending in Wilmington. I haveheard bad things about Albemarle Sound–that it gets nasty if the windis 15 knots. 15 knots is normally what I consider a good cruisingbreeze. > Some things I’ve heard about the Albemarle even make it sound like adangerous body of water. Are these reports exaggerated? Should wejust cross the Albemarle and continue on down to the Pamlico River,Neuse River, and Pamlico Sound? Albemarle does seem to have a fewnice destinations like Edenton, but I am wondering if it is best tojust leave it behind.> Any thoughts by folks who have sailed it or live in N. Carolina?> Michael Katz