Posted by Lola Jackson (lolaltd@…>)
Hello,I just sold my Voyager USI Loran C Navigator, as my surveyor, said I should upgrade. My question is should I keep the antenna that is mounted on the back of the boat? Will that work with other and new equipment?..Or are they for each brand. I’m sure this is a 1987 unit as the boat is 1987 F30.Thanks a lot…Lola
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Posted by Borelmfg (borelmfg@…>)
I think, but not sure, that a LORAN ant will also work for VHF radio. It has been a long time since I setup a LORAN.
On a tragic side note last month two sailors lost their lives during a race outside the Gold Gate. No MayDay was sent. The assumption was the boat was dis-masted and therefore lost the VHF ant. So having a backup ant is not a bad idea.
----- Original Message -----
From: Lola Jackson
Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2008 7:05 AM
Subject: [FreedomOwnersGroup] antenna
Hello,I just sold my Voyager USI Loran C Navigator, as my surveyor, said I should upgrade. My question is should I keep the antenna that is mounted on the back of the boat? Will that work with other and new equipment?..Or are they for each brand. I’m sure this is a 1987 unit as the boat is 1987 F30.Thanks a lot…Lola
You rock. That’s why Blockbuster’s offering you one month of Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.
Posted by rick_simonds (rick_simonds@…>)
— In, Lola Jackson <lolaltd@…>
My question is should I keep the antenna that is mounted on the
back of the boat? Will that work with other and new equipment?
While there’s nothing wrong with Loran, it still works fine, I’m
surprised anyone would buy it. Don’t they need the antenna for it?
Keep the mount on your boat that it screws onto and give the new owner
of the Loran the antenna.
Posted by Bob (rweeks6508@…>)
Actually Loran C is making a comeback all the antennas and stations have been
upgraded to newer technology, small units and better accuracy. Its not going
away soon. Remember one can not depend on only one technology. GPS has failed
big time several already. May not be important to us small boat sailors but
those guys out there driving the big nuc submarines are dependent on redunancy.
From: rick_simonds <rick_simonds@…>
Date: 2008/04/08 Tue AM 09:39:09 CDT
Subject: [FreedomOwnersGroup] Re: antenna
— In, Lola Jackson <lolaltd@…>
My question is should I keep the antenna that is mounted on the
back of the boat? Will that work with other and new equipment?
While there’s nothing wrong with Loran, it still works fine, I’m
surprised anyone would buy it. Don’t they need the antenna for it?
Keep the mount on your boat that it screws onto and give the new owner
of the Loran the antenna.
Posted by sgaber@…> (sgaber@…>)
I thought the USCG was gonna stop supprpting Loran.
Steve Gaber
Sanderling, 1967 C-31 #77
Oldsmar, FL
---- Bob <rweeks6508@…> wrote:
Actually Loran C is making a comeback all the antennas and stations have been
upgraded to newer technology, small units and better accuracy. Its not going
away soon. Remember one can not depend on only one technology. GPS has failed
big time several already. May not be important to us small boat sailors but
those guys out there driving the big nuc submarines are dependent on redunancy.Bob
From: rick_simonds <rick_simonds@…>
Date: 2008/04/08 Tue AM 09:39:09 CDT
Subject: [FreedomOwnersGroup] Re: antenna— In, Lola Jackson <lolaltd@…>
wrote:My question is should I keep the antenna that is mounted on the
back of the boat? Will that work with other and new equipment?
While there’s nothing wrong with Loran, it still works fine, I’m
surprised anyone would buy it. Don’t they need the antenna for it?Keep the mount on your boat that it screws onto and give the new owner
of the Loran the antenna.
Posted by Bob Weeks (rweeks6508@…>)
Not really check Home Land Security USCG search Loran C.
-----Original Message-----
From: sgaber@… [mailto:sgaber@…]
Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2008 4:51 PM
Cc: Bob
Subject: Re: [FreedomOwnersGroup] Re: antenna
I thought the USCG was gonna stop supprpting Loran.
Steve Gaber
Sanderling, 1967 C-31 #77
Oldsmar, FL
---- Bob <rweeks6508@…> wrote:
Actually Loran C is making a comeback all the antennas and stations have
been upgraded to newer technology, small units and better accuracy. Its not
going away soon. Remember one can not depend on only one technology. GPS
has failed big time several already. May not be important to us small boat
sailors but those guys out there driving the big nuc submarines are
dependent on redunancy.Bob
From: rick_simonds <rick_simonds@…>
Date: 2008/04/08 Tue AM 09:39:09 CDT
Subject: [FreedomOwnersGroup] Re: antenna— In, Lola Jackson <lolaltd@…>
wrote:My question is should I keep the antenna that is mounted on the back
of the boat? Will that work with other and new equipment?
While there’s nothing wrong with Loran, it still works fine, I’m
surprised anyone would buy it. Don’t they need the antenna for it?Keep the mount on your boat that it screws onto and give the new owner
of the Loran the antenna.
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