
Posted by edgemere69 (oldharbor390@…>)

I am contemplating buying a 1987 F30. Would appreciate any
suggestions as to particular items/areas my surveyor should pay
particular attention to. Also, any other comments, pro and con,
relative to the F30 would be welcome. Thank you.

Posted by dehoma (dehoma@…>)

Great Boat; we have had ours (1987 F30) for just 1.5 seasons now and
love it. I haven’t really seen a boat under 35 that I would rather
own. A good surveyor is your best bet! The obvious points are core
saturation at through hulls and deck hardware, which is really the
most serious issue. Sometimes a sagging headliner means water behind
it, sometimes just failed glue, either way it is not easy to fix. On
Freedom’s you’ll find good headliner (repaired) or sagging (too low a
priority to fix) Look at the mast for any obvious cracks, especially
around the gooseneck where the boom might have been past 90 degrees.
Look for extensive staining of the wood by all ports, some leaking is
inevitable, but a lot requires attention (run a hose at the survey)
The shower sump-pump/reservoir in bilge is often broken. A rigid
vang is nice to have. Squeaky floorboards have been found, but
appear to be not that unusual. Often times the Bomar overhead
hatches have gasket, latch or other problems. There is a limber hole
at the base of the mast to let rain water run from inside the mast
into the bilge. It is often clogged, causing water to backup and rot
the floor around the mast; check for stains or the plywood coming
apart; easy enough to fix the clog with a screw driver and a hanger.
The ease with which the main sail can be raised is an issue. Our
galley faucet leaks when off and the pressure pump is on (we need to
replace this) The Yanmar exhaust elbow should have been changed by
now per Yanmar specs. Check the prop shaft-seal (packless Syntron
was original) for obvious corrosion, this device can be a pain, the
best bet is for it to not be seriously corroded. Incidentally it
needs to be “burped” if the boat is hauled and put back in the
water. The interior door latches seem to go out of alignment over
time so that the doors don’t all latch and stay shut (depending on
hull flex if the boat is floating or on the hard)

So all you F30 owners, what have I left out?

Where is the boat? The folks at warren river boat works in Rhode
Island know the boat the best if you have any “serious” questions
specific to a freedom. Feel free to email me at comcast.net if you
want to get into details such as what options were available,
standard equipment etc.

Padanaram, MA

— In freedomyachts2003@yahoogroups.com, “edgemere69”
<oldharbor390@h…> wrote:

I am contemplating buying a 1987 F30. Would appreciate any
suggestions as to particular items/areas my surveyor should pay
particular attention to. Also, any other comments, pro and con,
relative to the F30 would be welcome. Thank you.

Posted by Al Lorman (ajlorman@…>)
I am having a 1987 Freedom 30 surveyed on Tuesday. Your email could not have been more timely for me, and I didn’t even have to ask! Assuming the survey and sea trial go well, I hope to soon be a member of this august group fo sailors.

Al Lormandehoma <dehoma@…> wrote:
Great Boat; we have had ours (1987 F30) for just 1.5 seasons now and love it. I haven’t really seen a boat under 35 that I would rather own. A good surveyor is your best bet! The obvious points are core saturation at through hulls and deck hardware, which is really the most serious issue. Sometimes a sagging headliner means water behind it, sometimes just failed glue, either way it is not easy to fix. On Freedom’s you’ll find good headliner (repaired) or sagging (too low a priority to fix) Look at the mast for any obvious cracks, especially around the gooseneck where the boom might have been past 90 degrees. Look for extensive staining of the wood by all ports, some leaking is inevitable, but a lot requires attention (run a hose at the survey) The shower sump-pump/reservoir in bilge is
often broken. A rigid vang is nice to have. Squeaky floorboards have been found, but appear to be not that unusual. Often times the Bomar overhead hatches have gasket, latch or other problems. There is a limber hole at the base of the mast to let rain water run from inside the mast into the bilge. It is often clogged, causing water to backup and rot the floor around the mast; check for stains or the plywood coming apart; easy enough to fix the clog with a screw driver and a hanger. The ease with which the main sail can be raised is an issue. Our galley faucet leaks when off and the pressure pump is on (we need to replace this) The Yanmar exhaust elbow should have been changed by now per Yanmar specs. Check the prop shaft-seal (packless Syntron was original) for obvious corrosion, this device can be a pain, the best bet is for it to not be seriously corroded.
Incidentally it needs to be “burped” if the boat is hauled and put back in the water. The interior door latches seem to go out of alignment over time so that the doors don’t all latch and stay shut (depending on hull flex if the boat is floating or on the hard)So all you F30 owners, what have I left out?Where is the boat? The folks at warren river boat works in Rhode Island know the boat the best if you have any “serious” questions specific to a freedom. Feel free to email me at comcast.net if you want to get into details such as what options were available, standard equipment etc.-DavidF30CADENCEPadanaram, MA— In freedomyachts2003@yahoogroups.com, “edgemere69” <oldharbor390@h…> wrote:> I am contemplating buying a 1987 F30. Would appreciate any > suggestions as to particular items/areas my surveyor should pay > particular
attention to. Also, any other comments, pro and con, > relative to the F30 would be welcome. Thank you.
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Posted by Bob Weeks (rweeks6508@…>)

does anyone have a scanned version of the F30 Manual?


Posted by Medium Al (hjulbyhavn@…>)

What happened?