Posted by Lee Gordon (leekgordon@…>)
Sorry to hear you’re having problems with your Furlboom system. We’ve
owned a '98 40/40 for most of a year now, and we really enjoy the
system, although it took a while to get the “hang” of it, especially
when furling.
Our boat is in Newport Beach, CA, just a few minutes from where they
(Furlbooms) are manufactured, and they have been most helpful with our
questions. Our main was made by Quantum, a Mylar sandwich combination
that performs very well.
You may want to talk with the Furlboom folks out here for some help.
Their plant is in Costa Mesa, and Dougall Johnson is the man who might
be of some assistance.
Good luck - let us know how you do.
Lee Gordon
Posted by laxxxxxer (patrick.mcstay@…>)
Our boat is in Newport, RI…the problems we have had have been
furling after a sail when the wind is strong…it seems that the boat
must be 100% into the wind with almost 0% margin of error allowed.
If we come off the wind just a bit while furling, disaster strikes,
the sail comes out of the track and must be manually furled, which is
not fun and dangerous in rough weather…I think I will contact
Dougall about this…I ahve his card from the boat show. Thanks
— In, Lee Gordon
<leekgordon@c…> wrote:
Sorry to hear you’re having problems with your Furlboom system.
owned a '98 40/40 for most of a year now, and we really enjoy the
system, although it took a while to get the “hang” of it, especially
when furling.
Our boat is in Newport Beach, CA, just a few minutes from where they
(Furlbooms) are manufactured, and they have been most helpful with
questions. Our main was made by Quantum, a Mylar sandwich
that performs very well.
You may want to talk with the Furlboom folks out here for some
Their plant is in Costa Mesa, and Dougall Johnson is the man who
be of some assistance.
Good luck - let us know how you do.
Lee Gordon