Posted by David Head (davidknhead@…>)
Several members have assisted with information regarding these fine
boats. Does any member have experience of the following? :
Heavy Weather.
At what wind speed does a windward course become impractical?
Please describe some experiences and the actions good/bad that you
used to ensure the boat and crew safety, especially when the
condition exceeded 40kts, and in confused seas.
What drag devices have members experience of? What effect etc.
Does the cockpit drain fast enough when pooped?
Can the F35 lie ‘a-hull’ in a hove too position? If so what is the
ride like, and what sail configuration works best?
Does the board up make life easier by preventing the boat tripping on
her keel?
Any other heavy weather experiences would be keenly read.
I am planning a Biscay crossing in a boat that I am contemplating,
and need to make sure I am well equipped for any eventuality.
Eventually she will be required to go further, so any equipment will
at some time be tested.
The new owners of ‘Castaway’ have been very helpful with their
responses. ‘Castaway’ has several Atlantic Crossings to her name, and
one in particular provides a picture of the rights and wrongs in
extreme weather conditions. Frankly, if there is any doubt about the
ability of these fine boats I will have to look again at other
Thank you for any assistance.
David Head.