mast rivets

Posted by hopalongsail (hopalongsail@…>)

We’re thinking of carrying some spare rivets for mast tracks on
Hopalong, our 1984 39’ Freedom Express.
We would get monel but need to know type and size for these carbon
fiber masts. Thanks.
Also, has anyone fiberglassed on a wooden block to mast for mounting
radar. Again, thanks. Sally and David

Posted by Dave_Benjamin (dave_benjamin@…>)

I think I might have a bag of replacement rivets in the garage
somewhere. They were in one of my toolbags so they didn’t go with the
boat. The boys at the factory recommend the aluminum rivets just like
the ones used during construction. I used to periodically go up the
mast with a rivet gun and check for any missing rivets. Those masts
flex a lot when sailed hard and it’s not uncommon to have a rivet pop
out. You need to go up there and lube the sail track anyway so it’s
no big deal.
Do you have someone stateside that can ship to you in Mexico? Those
rivets are just gathering dust.

— In, “hopalongsail”
<hopalongsail@y…> wrote:

We’re thinking of carrying some spare rivets for mast tracks on
Hopalong, our 1984 39’ Freedom Express.
We would get monel but need to know type and size for these carbon
fiber masts. Thanks.
Also, has anyone fiberglassed on a wooden block to mast for
radar. Again, thanks. Sally and David