Re: 3rd Reef for F30

Posted by Fargo Rousseau (fargo_r@…>)
Similar placement to second reef, just below the next batten up…with tack “hole” off the mast about 1 foot. I am a great believer in this addition if sailing an F30 in winds above about 23 knots or planning to sail offshore where you have to be prepared for higher winds. Overpowering still happens above about 28 going to weather and the boat returns to its surfing ways above 30 knots off the wind. I have sailed with the 3rd reef plus full jib going to weather in 25 knots on autopilot…which give you some idea how well balanced the boat is with this combination.The only tricky item is the huge bunch of sail slides that pile up when reefing to the 3rd position. We found that we had to mark the halyard line (jam cleat location) for the 3 reef setting, lower the main to this line, THEN reef down the main. This will lift the boom properly without over stressing the tack end of the sail it piles up on the lowered slides.More on
this if anyone likes.FargoEx: F30 #12 ajlorman <ajl@…> wrote: Fargo: “We added a third reef on the main” How high up, or how far down, did you add the third reef? Cheers, Al

Posted by Al Lorman (ajl@…>)



From: [] On
Behalf Of Fargo Rousseau
Sent: Sunday, December 02, 2007 4:52 PM
Subject: Re: [FreedomOwnersGroup] 3rd Reef for F30


Similar placement to second reef, just below the next batten up…with tack
“hole” off the mast about 1 foot.

I am a great believer in this addition if sailing an F30 in winds above about
23 knots or planning to sail offshore where you have to be prepared for higher
winds. Overpowering still happens above about 28 going to weather and the
boat returns to its surfing ways above 30 knots off the wind. I have sailed
with the 3rd reef plus full jib going to weather in 25 knots on autopilot…which
give you some idea how well balanced the boat is with this combination.

The only tricky item is the huge bunch of sail slides that pile up when reefing
to the 3rd position. We found that we had to mark the halyard line (jam
cleat location) for the 3 reef setting, lower the main to this line, THEN reef
down the main. This will lift the boom properly without over stressing the tack
end of the sail it piles up on the lowered slides.

More on this if anyone likes.

Ex: F30 #12

ajlorman <ajl@…> wrote:


“We added a third reef on the main”

How high up, or how far down, did you add the third reef?



