Re: Refrigeration for F-25

Posted by andre laviolette (andrelaviolette@…>)

“Scaramanga” has an Engle freezer or refrigerator depending on set switch position. It consumes 1.8 amps/hr on cool i.e. 40* F and twice that on cold. It will freeze your cokes if on cold even here in Florida. Its originality is in its swing motor ( akin to a solenoid with a return spring ) running a small compressor at high speed. Mine is now 5 years old and measures about 11" X 17" X 15" deep, exterior dimentions. It lives set down inside the counter where the stove used to be and the new propane Sea Cook on the port side bulkhead on gimbles. Our Engle is small and that is why it works so well. It been big enough for 2 of us cruising. These units come in 3 or 4 sizes. When one tries to keep too much too cold ( i.e. many cubic feet , the energy consumption gets out of hand. The wind machine, 2 group 30 house batteries and/or the Yanmar 1GM provide enough power. Prices go from 450 $ to 750$ US at a RV store, more at a marine store. Find a dealer :
search : ENGLE REFRIGERATOR.We have owned most types and we like this type best. On a larger boat we had 2 one large as a fridge other smaller as a freezer.

bobkobela <bobkobela@…> wrote:
I would like any and all information regarding a refrigeration unitfor a F-24.I understand that a F-25 named “Scaramanga” has such aunit.Kindly advise Model name and number,size of cut out andexperience,good or bad with this unit.Thank you,Bill Post your free ad now! Yahoo! Canada Personals

Posted by bobkobela (bobkobela@…>)

Thank you for you’r information and prompt reply. If you have a
chance,kindly advise me of the Model number of the Engel.I believe it
is an Engle 15.If so,please let me know.Thank you.Bill