1981 Freedom 40 Aft Cockpit

I’m the new owner of a 1981 Freedom 40 Aft Cockpit model that’s been on the hard for over a decade and needs just about everything. I am searching for any and all documentation I can find concerning this boat to aid in my refit. If anyone has or knows where I can get such information, please help.


I’ve got the original owners manual (or most of it) on board Running Free. Unfortunately it’s over 500 miles away. I might be able to copy it, when I’m there at the end of October, if you can’t get another first. We’ve had our boat for 20 years, so if you have specific questions, let me know, and I will help as much as possible.

Carl Berdie

Thanks Carl, that sounds great, that’s exactly what I am looking for. There’s no rush, this is a multi year project.

I have recently bought a 1979 F 40 aft cockpit and I am looking for an owners manual. I have manuals for all equipment but no owners manual. Does anyone near or not so near have a manual I could copy or buy?

I am the original poster but haven’t had any luck with getting a copy of a manual. If I come across one, I’ll let you know. You’re already ahead of me as I have no documentation.

It’s been over a year since you were looking for an owners manual. Did you have any luck?

No I have not, would be willing to pay for copies, shipping and someone’s time. Any info would be great


I just bought #41 and I too would like a copy of the manual. Did anyone ever come up with one?