45 CC holding tanks

Hi. Im still working my way through the fixes on the 45 i bought this summer, and plumbing is next. There is a lot of custom plumbing on this boat ill just have to figure out but can someone save me time and tell me where the diverter valves are for the holding tanks? I found spare handles so they exist but i only see what seems to be the discharge valve that lets the effluent straight out…

My 45 has diverter valves for the heads that switch between tank and direct discharge. The valve handles are right next to the head through the sink cabinetry. Grey Bosworth through bulkhead valves that are hard to miss.

Both holding tanks have separate fittings and hoses for deck and overboard pumpouts. The overboard pumpout lines on both tanks ran through Dometic diaphragm pumps that Y’d into the overboard discharge hoses. There were no diverters on those lines. I recently replaced the forward pump with a Raritan macerator and added a ball valve after so I can isolate the pump better for maintenance.

Over the last two years I replaced all the sanitation plumbing in my boat with Raritan saniflex, rebuilt both heads, flushed both holding tanks, added tank sensors, etc. Massive foul job but totally worth it for a clean start since most the plumbing was original (91’).

Hi. Sorry for not responding. We had major issues here and the to do list got a lot longer after the bilge pump failed and we shipped a ton of seawater: wiring and salt water are not a good combo.
I havent located the Y diverter valves, all i know so far is that my aft head empties directly overboard, which will be an issue after i get back stateside from the Carib. I will get to it soon.
What you did sounds like a fairly major undertaking: kudos to you Sir for doing it yourself.

Do you happen to know shaft log tube size on a F45?

Hi. So…i finally located the y valves…they were right in front of me and i thought those are manual bilge pumps! Silly me…but, the one i looked at wasnt connected to anything, so there is a new project…(end of a long list). The other one has piping so its probably operable.
Im going to need to sort this out before i return stateside or Coast Guard will hang me.
Cheers and thanks for advice and inspiration.
Andre S
s/y Water Bear (F45)