Ok, this is kind of awkward - I have run an asymmetrical halyard from a sheave just above my jib halyard sheave (fractioanl). As the halyard is quite offset to strbd it is interesting to jibe. I used my drone to look at the masthead light and in doing so I think I’m seeeing a sheave at the masthead forward. Do you F35 Pedrick people have a masthead sheave forward for asymmetrical? All my time up the mast has been aft of the mast face and I haven’t noticed this before lol! ….and if there is a sheave there for a halyard, would an asymmetrical that high up overly stress the upper mast! (Given never to fly the asymmetrical in a over 12 kts or so AWS)
That’s the exit for the emergency halyard. There is a matching one on the aft end. The idea is that you run a messenger line up and over both little sheaves and just leave it there. I use 1/8" dyneema because it’s good in the sun. If you ever lose your main halyard, you can run a sturdier line up and over with a block attached to the aft end, which becomes the temporary main halyard block.
Here’s a closer look at how the emergency halyard is run. I’ve never had to use it, but it’s a pretty clever setup. Nothing interferes, and as long as you keep a hoisting line, a block, and a spare halyard onboard, you’re all set.
Wow perfect - always bugged that I didn’t have a second backup main halyard. Besides replacing my tricolor I’ll run that messenger! Thanks.
No problem, glad I could help!
It looks different. Been trying to post photographs here how do i do that
I think you can just drag it into the window.