Barient Winch Servicing

Posted by babuone1 (babuone1@…>)

I recently tried to service the Barient 8P winches on my 21 footer.
Much to my chagrin, there is no obvious way to remove the drum.
Normally you would find a lock ring on top. These have a stamped sort
of image of one, but no ring.
I removed the winch from the deck…not much help there either.
All the documentation that I’ve read alludes to removing
this “ring/clip”.
Any thoughts out there?

Posted by ADScott (ADScott@…>)

Check out:

Al Scott

Posted by Jerome Weinraub (zayde@…>)

My Barients have a screw on ring on top,removable with a pin
spanner.Remove CCW
----- Original Message -----
From: “babuone1” <babuone1@…>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, May 02, 2004 8:49 AM
Subject: [freedomyachts2003] Barient Winch Servicing


I recently tried to service the Barient 8P winches on my 21 footer.
Much to my chagrin, there is no obvious way to remove the drum.
Normally you would find a lock ring on top. These have a stamped sort
of image of one, but no ring.
I removed the winch from the deck…not much help there either.
All the documentation that I’ve read alludes to removing
this “ring/clip”.
Any thoughts out there?

Yahoo! Groups Links

Posted by freedom21306 (freedom21306@…>)

Push down firmly on the plastic button in the bottom of the hole for
the winch handle. It will release a spring and should lok in place.
If the spring does not lock open, hold it down as you lift the winch
drum up.

Replacement Barient parts are available from an outfit in Australia.
I got new top rings from them for my F21.


— In, “babuone1” <babuone1@y…>

I recently tried to service the Barient 8P winches on my 21 footer.
Much to my chagrin, there is no obvious way to remove the drum.
Normally you would find a lock ring on top. These have a stamped
of image of one, but no ring.
I removed the winch from the deck…not much help there either.
All the documentation that I’ve read alludes to removing
this “ring/clip”.
Any thoughts out there?