Black streaks on the topsides

Posted by brozzdowneast (brozz@…>)

Does anyone have suggestions for cleaning the black streaks on the
topsides? We’ve been compounding every spring, but wonder if there’s
an easier way. We have a Freedom 30.

M Brossmer

Posted by John Moran (sv_major_38@…>)

M. Brossmer,

The black streak problem is common to all boats as the paint on the fiberglass ages and becomes a bit porous. I had it on my 1988 C&C 30 before I purchased my 1989 Freedom 38 (Major) in March 2002. That year, as I had done many times to my C&C earlier, and again in the spring of 2003 I spent the first several weeks of sailing season applying my heavy elbow grease first to the black streaks on the top sides and then the algae mustache on the bow. I used the West Marine stuff for black streaks, but then had to compound and wax to get a decent look on the fiberglass afterwards.

I guess there is a limit to what can be done as the finish ages. I finally bit the bullet and had my Freedom 38 hull repainted (Insignia White) with Algrip in mid-summer 2003. Now the black streaks wash off with water (fresh or sea water) and boat soap in minutes, as does the diesel dust from the stern. There is no more mustache on the bow. I get compliments continuously on the beauty of the hull, but more importantly, the boat never looked better to me. This is not an inexpensive answer to your query, but if you want to sail happy in a boat that
is going to hold its value, it does answer. I hope to get about 7 good years out of my Algrip job before the black streaks begin to put up the fight they used to do. Meanwhile, I’ll be happy to be seen sailing Major as pretty as she is.

John Moranbrozzdowneast <brozz@…> wrote:
Does anyone have suggestions for cleaning the black streaks on the topsides? We’ve been compounding every spring, but wonder if there’s an easier way. We have a Freedom 30. M Brossmer__________________________________________________Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

Posted by katorpus (katorpus@…>)

Try cut lemons for the bow mustache to bleach out the brown stuff
from the ICW.

I use “Barkeeper’s Friend” for all kinds of stains on fiberglass
deck and hull sides (including black streaks and rust). Don’t scrub
much, make a paste and let it work…be sure and “spot-rewax” the
area once you get it clean. If you don’t get all the stain out
first, re-waxing it just seals it in.

If you’re getting black streaks from a molded-in deck drain (that
runs below the toerail…cut a “tongue shaped” piece of bleach
bottle (square on the "inside end) and curl it longitudinally to fit
into the box shaped drain, leaving enough overhanging to let most of
the deck water clear the hull as it drips out…this works wonders
in the marina, doesn’t look bad, costs nothing, is easily replaced
if lost, won’t damage anything if “drug” alongside, and will hold up
for a long time in the sunshine before getting crispy.

The “curl” holds it in place by “spring tension” and you can just
pop it out (if you remember) when removing the winch covers,
instrument covers, and compass cover before sailing. If you forget
and lose it, you aren’t out much. The only time I ever lost one
while day-sailing was when burying the rail, and you really
shouldn’t be saiing a Freedom with that much heel anyway.