Posted by tgcmd (Finesse@…>)
How do you heave to on Hopalong?
Thomas Carlton
L’Audace, F-33 #66
— In, David Jensen <hopalongsail@…> wrote:
Our 39-foot cat ketch, Hopalong, also likes to horse around at anchor. A
riding sail on
the mizzen (not the mizzen, although that could be used) cuts this down a lot.
The riding
sail is merely a loose-footed, flat triangle, hoist on the mizzen halyard and
tied off at the
stern pulpit. Additionally, the sail cover on the mizzen drapes around the mast
downward so that it covers a hard vang, creating sort of a triangle sail shape
just aft of the
mast. We have found that if we pull the boom out to one side or the other, which
the sun to hit our solar panels on top of our bimini, and tie off the boom, that
provides a
steadying influence, much as if we were hove to.Sally and David Jensen
s/v Hopalong