I am looking at having my un stayed carbon fiber mast removed to have it re gel coated and re wired. Any owners have recent experience with the cost just to pull and replace the mast in Florida or other places on the east coast? Thank you.
Before determining what the cost of the work might be, I’d like to take the liberty of mentioning the nature of the work.
I think it’s best to laminate with a light glass cloth, after removing the old gelcoat. Otherwise, the cracks could reappear.
In any case, that’s what I did myself on the two mats of my F33.
Removing the old gelcoat is done with a grinder, and is quite a long and tedious job.
1- Grinding
2 - Sanding to level
3 - Stratification
4- Coating/sanding + paint or new gelcoat
But maybe you wanted the mats to be renewed in this way !
We used Mack Sails near Fort Pierce to unstep and step our mast on Full Monty (2001 Freedom 40/40). They had to build a new mast step as our was damaged in a storm. They do a good job. But I don’t remember the cost.