Cracks on mast

Hi All - in removing my sail to get some work done to it I discovered some horizontal cracks on the mast just above the gooseneck
I haven’t noticed these before but in saying that this part of the mast is either always covered by the sail when it’s down, or I’m in the cockpit sailing the boat.
It does seem superficial but I’m scared of peeling it down a little in case I make it worse. What are people’s thoughts? How deep do I investigate?


This may not be a big problem.
It could be that only the plaster is cracked.
You’ll have to sand it down first to see how the laminate is doing.

Hi JL,

Those are superficial cracks in the caulking in and on the corners. They are non-structural. You can grind those out if you want and recaulk.

There is a known issue with circumferential cracking in the TPI masts that has been addressed before. I wrote a repair rocedure on how to identify and fix them which you can find in the documents section of this forum. I’ll upload another copy for you here.


Cheers, Eric