Cutting hole for seacock access-Freedom 32 -Hoyt

Posted by ron barr (rwhb@…>)

After reading prior posts I have myself a nice 10”
diam. access plate/hatch that I am installing behind the head (towards the
center of the boat) to provide access to the otherwise ridiculously located
seacocks for the inlet and outlet water.

However cutting the hole from the head side is a bitch. I
am not even going to try cutting it from starboard cockpit locker side –
that would be the end of my back! The top half of the circle isn’t so bad,
but I can’t get my sabre saw down low behind the head. I am
thinking next of a Dremel with the side cutting blades. Unfortunately I
don’t have a Fein MultiMaster (a Dremel on steroids in case you’re
not familiar with it) – they’re really expensive – although this
could be my excuse to get one!

In the meantime all other suggestions for those of you who
have done this job most welcome!! You could save me $$$.

Hoyt F32
Newport RI

Posted by Sward (swardfullsail@…>)
Ron, Have you already started the hole? Do you need to have it that low? I understand the purpose and probably the location you want is most sensible. I wanted to get access to the Y valve too-that’s part of why I put it where I did. I put in a teak door-the bottom is about as high as the seat cover. It wasn’t too bad to cut out. Although I didn’t have the right tools. I would probably use the side bit of the dremel if I had had it at that time. The frame of the door hides all the sins of the bad cutting job!!ron barr <rwhb@…> wrote: After reading prior posts I have myself a nice 10” diam. access plate/hatch that I am installing behind the head (towards the center of the boat) to provide access to the otherwise ridiculously located seacocks for the inlet and outlet water. However cutting the hole from the head side is a bitch. I am not even going to try cutting it from starboard cockpit locker side – that would be the end of my back! The top half of the circle isn’t so bad, but I can’t get my sabre saw down low behind the head. I am thinking next of a Dremel with the side cutting blades. Unfortunately I don’t have a Fein MultiMaster (a Dremel on steroids in case you’re not familiar with it) – they’re really expensive – although this could be my excuse to get one! In the meantime all other suggestions for those of you who have done this job most welcome!! You could save me $$$. Ron Hoyt F32 Newport RI “Life is a Reach, then you Jibe” SWARD