Dumb question of the day (DQOTD)

Posted by crwindy@…> (crwindy@…>)

What is the size of the shaft of the Freedom 36. I need to buy zincs, and would
like to do it before going back to the boat.

— In freedomyachts2003@yahoogroups.com, “Martin Lloyd”
<martinlloyd@c…> wrote:

Does anyone know how much headroom there is in a Freedom 33 Cat
Ketch, early
80’s vintage?

In the UK boats that I am familiar with, I am comfortable, being 5’
10"" tall. People taller than me complain. I think the nominal
headroom is 6’ but it is not constant and quite carefully placed
over the floor space with the coachroof curved giving max amidships -
i.e where the centreboard is! Mike Johnston


Posted by William A. Cormack (wacormack@…>)

Mine is 1 inch
_________________________________________________William A. Cormack, CPAPrincipal and Chief Financial OfficerWhelan Associates LLCCorporate Real Estate ServicesBourne Counting House at One Merrill’s WharfNew Bedford, MA 02740Voice: 508-984-4100, Fax: 508-984-4101, Cell 508-254-5828MailTo:wacormack@…

----- Original Message -----
From: crwindy@…
To: freedomyachts2003@yahoogroups.com ; freedomyachts2003@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2004 8:15 AM
Subject: [freedomyachts2003] Dumb question of the day (DQOTD)
What is the size of the shaft of the Freedom 36. I need to buy zincs, and would like to do it before going back to the boat.Thanks,Craig Yahoo! Groups Links<> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/freedomyachts2003/<> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: freedomyachts2003-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com<*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/

— In freedomyachts2003@yahoogroups.com, “Martin Lloyd” <martinlloyd@c…> wrote:> Does anyone know how much headroom there is in a Freedom 33 Cat Ketch, early > 80’s vintage?In the UK boats that I am familiar with, I am comfortable, being 5’ 10"" tall. People taller than me complain. I think the nominal headroom is 6’ but it is not constant and quite carefully placed over the floor space with the coachroof curved giving max amidships -i.e where the centreboard is! Mike Johnston

Posted by crwindy@…> (crwindy@…>)


From: “William A. Cormack” <wacormack@…>
Date: 2004/03/25 Thu AM 10:17:34 EST
To: <freedomyachts2003@yahoogroups.com>
Subject: Re: [freedomyachts2003] Dumb question of the day (DQOTD)

Mine is 1 inch

William A. Cormack, CPA
Principal and Chief Financial Officer
Whelan Associates LLC
Corporate Real Estate Services
Bourne Counting House at One Merrill’s Wharf
New Bedford, MA 02740
Voice: 508-984-4100, Fax: 508-984-4101, Cell 508-254-5828
----- Original Message -----
From: crwindy@…
To: freedomyachts2003@yahoogroups.com ; freedomyachts2003@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2004 8:15 AM
Subject: [freedomyachts2003] Dumb question of the day (DQOTD)

What is the size of the shaft of the Freedom 36. I need to buy zincs, and
would like to do it before going back to the boat.

Yahoo! Groups Links

— In freedomyachts2003@yahoogroups.com, “Martin Lloyd”
<martinlloyd@c…> wrote:

Does anyone know how much headroom there is in a Freedom 33 Cat
Ketch, early
80’s vintage?

In the UK boats that I am familiar with, I am comfortable, being 5’
10"" tall. People taller than me complain. I think the nominal
headroom is 6’ but it is not constant and quite carefully placed
over the floor space with the coachroof curved giving max amidships -
i.e where the centreboard is! Mike Johnston

Mine is 1 inch
_________________________________________________William A. Cormack, CPAPrincipal and Chief Financial OfficerWhelan Associates LLCCorporate Real Estate ServicesBourne Counting House at One Merrill’s WharfNew Bedford, MA 02740Voice: 508-984-4100, Fax: 508-984-4101, Cell 508-254-5828MailTo:wacormack@…

----- Original Message -----
From: crwindy@…
To: freedomyachts2003@yahoogroups.com ; freedomyachts2003@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2004 8:15 AM
Subject: [freedomyachts2003] Dumb question of the day (DQOTD)
What is the size of the shaft of the Freedom 36. I need to buy zincs, and would like to do it before going back to the boat.Thanks,Craig Yahoo! Groups Links<> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/freedomyachts2003/<> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: freedomyachts2003-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com<*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/

— In freedomyachts2003@yahoogroups.com, “Martin Lloyd” <martinlloyd@c…> wrote:> Does anyone know how much headroom there is in a Freedom 33 Cat Ketch, early > 80’s vintage?In the UK boats that I am familiar with, I am comfortable, being 5’ 10"" tall. People taller than me complain. I think the nominal headroom is 6’ but it is not constant and quite carefully placed over the floor space with the coachroof curved giving max amidships -i.e where the centreboard is! Mike Johnston

Posted by Harvey Minsk (harveyminsk@…>)

1 inch - Get the4 egg shaped zincs. - Harvey
Deja Vu - Freedon 38

— “William A. Cormack” <wacormack@…> wrote:

Mine is 1 inch

William A. Cormack, CPA
Principal and Chief Financial Officer
Whelan Associates LLC
Corporate Real Estate Services
Bourne Counting House at One Merrill’s Wharf
New Bedford, MA 02740
Voice: 508-984-4100, Fax: 508-984-4101, Cell
----- Original Message -----
From: crwindy@…
To: freedomyachts2003@yahoogroups.com ;
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2004 8:15 AM
Subject: [freedomyachts2003] Dumb question of the
day (DQOTD)

What is the size of the shaft of the Freedom 36. I
need to buy zincs, and would like to do it before
going back to the boat.

Yahoo! Groups Links

— In freedomyachts2003@yahoogroups.com, “Martin
<martinlloyd@c…> wrote:

Does anyone know how much headroom there is in a
Freedom 33 Cat
Ketch, early
80’s vintage?

In the UK boats that I am familiar with, I am
comfortable, being 5’
10"" tall. People taller than me complain. I
think the nominal
headroom is 6’ but it is not constant and quite
carefully placed
over the floor space with the coachroof curved
giving max amidships -
i.e where the centreboard is! Mike Johnston


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