f30 Roller Furlling - Has anyone tried it?

Posted by methomp (methomp@…>)

I am wondering about a re-rig on my f30. Do you know of anyone who has
attempted this style of rigg on the freestanding carbon spar? Seems
like it might add some sail ares on the light air days on Lake St. Clair.

Posted by steveburke1950 (steveburke1950@…>)

— In freedomyachts2003@yahoogroups.com, “methomp” <methomp@c…>

I am wondering about a re-rig on my f30. Do you know of anyone who
attempted this style of rigg on the freestanding carbon spar? Seems
like it might add some sail ares on the light air days on Lake St.

I re-rigged my Freedom 36 with a hoyt jib boom and a harken furler in
2003. It worked great. UK Sails of Detroit did mine.
