F39 Pilot House layout

From the F39PH brochure.
(Note the 1024X1024 size limit to upload a .jpg file)

I have higher resolution scanned file if anyone interested

I’d love a copy of the higher resolution file if possible. I’m in the market for a39PH and am hungry for any details. Please email to lshulan@optonline.net

I’ve just bougght a 1988 Pilothouse 39 in the UK (survey and sea trial done, just the legal stuff to do). The selling broker used to be the Freedom main dealer here and says he has detailed plans of every Freedom including the 39. I’ll see if I can get copies and if I can make them available.


Congratulations with the acquisition of the F39PH! How is the conversion to junk rig going? I’d love to see anF39PH up close, any plans to go sailing to the NL’s? Would you please ask your Freedom man if he has documantation of the F44 catketch as well?? These were never built in the UK.


Hi Michel
Re your F44 - yes I’ll do that.
The junk conversion will be on hold until we’ve seen what we think of the cat schooner rig.
We have an idea to come over for your rally this year if you have one - got any dates yet?
I’ve requested copies of the Junk Rig/Advanced Cruising Rig Association magazine for you and Roody (the issue with my article and some of your photos in, though they didn’t use many). I’ll send as soon as I have them.
Best wishes



We don’t have a date yet for the Freedom Rally, usually it’s in September. Of course we hope to have you over with the F39PH; would be great!