I just herd that someone bought “Free and Clear”. I was up in Northern
New Mexico and I believe it might be sailed at Elephant Butte. There
is also another F21 berthed at Rock Canyon Marina (elephant butte). I
would like to try and track down the owners and maybe we can have our
own class race. Any info would be great
Hi Doug, et al,
Meg and I just sold Free & Clear 4 to a lady in T or C
(That’s Truth or Consequences NM for you out of staters!) near the Butte
(that’s Elephant Butte Lake!) Send me your contact info privately and I’ll
relay it to her.
Richard Meltz
Santa Fe
Marilyn B, A long time member of the RGSC, active racing crew member,
and her husband bought Free and Clear IV from Richard M in Santa Fe.
Richard is the fellow who introduced me to Freedoms back in the mid
90’s and I purchased his F25 Free & Clear Too in 1996. He and his
wife went on to buy a 32 Fee & Clear (kept out in Cali and
charter-able www.bluepacificboating.com/vip/ViewVessel.php?id=4&record=3) and then
bought Free and Clear IV to sail at Herron. Their growing business
has kept them very busy and they just were not able to sail F&C IV
very much. When they do have time away, it is spent on the 32.
Marilyn called me a few weeks ago to ask me about buying F & C IV,
Richard had had her on the market for a while, and posted her on this
web group after I told him about it. I gave Marilyn all the
info/websites that the members here have created. I was very glad she
called me as I was hoping to see F & C IV stay in New Mexico.
She has been very impressed with the hull, having watched my success
racing my F21 WindRush, now your F21 5 Planks, over the last few years.
As to the Green F21 slipped at Rock Canyon, all I can say is that I
have run into the fellow a couple of times and he does not seem to be
an avid sailor. The last time I saw him (2 years ago) he was having
motor problems and I haven’t seen him since. That hull is a shoal
draft version. You may be able to get his number from Ron at the the
docks. I doubt he would be interested in racing, but you never know…