Freedom 32 still forsale

Posted by jasonwikman (jasonwikman@…>)

I know this is a repost but it has been about six months so I decided
to put it on again. Freedom 32 for sale in Punta Gorda FL. $38000
negotiable. Can be seen at:


Posted by bill weber (billpeggyweber@…>)

Looks good. What kind of shape is it in. How many
hrs on engine. It will soon be cold here in wisconsin
and I need a vacation home. How hard to find and
expensive are boat slips down there???

— jasonwikman <jasonwikman@…> wrote:

I know this is a repost but it has been about six
months so I decided
to put it on again. Freedom 32 for sale in Punta
Gorda FL. $38000
negotiable. Can be seen at:




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Posted by andre laviolette (andrelaviolette@…>)
Slips in S.E. Florida range from 400.00$ for a storage slip and between 500.00$ and 700.00$ for a live-aboard slip with a common area, shower facilities and a swimming pool. A little less further north and on Gulf coast.bill weber <billpeggyweber@…> wrote:
Looks good. What kind of shape is it in. How manyhrs on engine. It will soon be cold here in wisconsinand I need a vacation home. How hard to find andexpensive are boat slips down there???— jasonwikman <jasonwikman@…> wrote:> I know this is a repost but it has been about six> months so I decided > to put it on again. Freedom 32 for sale in Punta> Gorda FL. $38000 > negotiable. Can be seen at: > >>currency=USD&units=Feet&checked_boats=1398720&slim=quick&> > > thanks> Jason> > > __________________________________________________Do You
Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around __________________________________________________Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

Posted by jsforgey@… (jsforgey@…)

I lived up north and had a non-residential slip in Ft. Lauderdale. It was really great and convenient.

It was $240 per month, included electric. Very easy to find at about that rate.

F 32 Girlfriend