Freedom 39 Info and Owners?

I’m the happy new owner of a 1985 39PHS, hull number 49, soon to be named Victoria – formerly Simplicity, Wicked, and Enterprise.

I’m curious as to how many 39’s were built in total–has anyone seen that information? Also, can anyone point me to a list of owners by model? It would be great to talk to other 39 owners.

Hello Victoria (AKA Simplicity, Wicked, and Enterprise),

I’m the owner of Ketch 22, hull # 22. ( )

You bought one of the last F39s built. The last hull was numbered in the mid 50s. I knew the owner ( I think second at that time ) of the last hull. After completion, the hull sat in the yard for a while. It was finally commissioned in 91 as an Express model. The boat name was Entropy. Ketch 22 and Entropy were both living in Grand Marina in Alameda (San Francisco Bay) in 1998.

Prior to buying Ketch 22 in Clear Lake Texas in 1997, I looked at a schooner model in Florida. They are beautiful boats, but I decided it was the Express model for me. We’ve put quite few miles under the keel since then. After a nine year Central American sojourn, I brought Ketch 22 back to Alameda where she’s located now at the Oakland YC. If you manage to get into the Pacific and as far north as latitude 38, stop in. I’ll buy you a beer or two.


Hello Victoria:

I am a 1 year owner of 39PHS Hull #55 (the last PHS Hull) former known as Quaker II ( serendipitous that your beauty is named “Victoria” I am considering another Queen (“lilibet”

take a look at this link
will give you original owner names and some info form most Freedom sailboats
According to this site there were 29 39 Hulls, some Express, some PHS

I am living aboard her in Boston Area and bilge deep in replacing both her original fuel tanks! One way to get to know your SV…


We recently purchased Odyssey but winter weather kept us from moving her up to the SF Bay from Long Beach. Hoping to do that post Easter. I’d be very interested in hearing from other 39 owners: modifications, upgrades, engine, sails…


Welcome, Victor! Congrats on your new boat. Let is know when you get her to the bay. All b toest to you on that.

Congratulations, I too am new to the cabal. We bought the F39PHS “Shiloh” earlier this year and decided to keep the name as it’s been on the back since the initial commissioning. It’s a pretty name and we’re superstitious enough to keep it around!

You may see us and our admittedly tuckered out sails around Long Island Sound if you’re ever in the neighborhood. Still trying to make sense of the various lines to the mastheads, all now lashed to the lifeline or toe rail, there must be 4 off the main and 2 or 3 off the foremast. Variously reported as spares, stay’s halyards, flag halyards, running backstays, forestays, with varying accounts about which ones of those may or may not be a good idea. So far the only use for the backstays has been fouling the 2 neighboring boats’ masts during winter storage, but I suspect if we venture outside the sound we’ll want to figure those out!

Best of luck.

Late to the party. We have owned Goodwind a PH39 here in the Chesapeake Annapolis area for nearly 19 years now. Raced her eight times in the Great Chesapeake Bay Schooner Race. Biggest job was replacing the starboard fuel tank which I understand was the second time. Port side was replaced by the previous owner. It’s an awful awful job requiring removing nearly all the joint work in the salon. We are now living aboard on our fourth year and about to head to Florida for the first time!

I liveaboard a 1983 F39 Express that my husband and I bought late last summer. We’ve been hunkering down on the Columbia River between Portland, OR and Vancouver, WA for the last few months while I recover from a couple surgeries and the pandemic rages on. We kept the name the previous owner gave her, Kisimul. It’s a Gaelic word that refers to a castle on a small island in Scotland that, coincidentally, is the ancestral home of my family on my paternal grandmother’s side. She was named Oh Suzy Q in the past.

The boat is in pretty great shape, still has the original carbon fiber masts, and doesn’t appear to have been upgraded very much by previous owners. It has some cutting edge tech like a cassette player and a Loran-C navigation system, so we’re planning to modernize some of the equipment a tad before we go on serious adventures. There are several other little projects we’re planning, but nothing dire. I made new mattresses for the berths this winter and I’m currently in the process of sewing new sail covers and reupholstering all of the interior seating. Love it so far!


Excited to be joining the forum, finally!

We have a 1986 Freedom 39 PH named Apogee, which I believe is the original name. We’re the fourth owners, my dad owned it from 1996-2021. He bought it from a live aboard couple in Marina Del Rey, and sailed it up the coast to Everett, WA. Apogee is now in Anacortes, which is fantastic for getting out to the San Juans.

I’m stoked to be taking it over, my husband is in the soul crushing phase while we’re untangling a lot of repairs that come with a 36 year old boat. He’s starting to come around and see how great life will be when we’re not chasing problems every time we go out.

So far we’ve been addressing leaks, making new beds, refinishing most of the interior teak, replacing the upholstery, replacing vinyl ceiling panels that were damaged from leaks, updating the galley - including installing a mini fridge under the sink, and doing a lot of general maintenance that hasn’t been done in a while. Unfortunately we discovered our main has a split at the top (which some other users have experienced), so we’re in the process of having that repaired. Luckily we found a great shop with a lot experience in carbon fiber mast repairs!

Looking forward to having more people to reach out to as we work our way through everything!

May of 2021, my wife Tara and I purchased our 1984 Freedom 39 Pilothouse, Heart of Gold. We were fortunate to find a marina home for our boat on Shelter Island, San Diego. For the last several months we have been sailing locally, and making some repairs where there had been deferred maintenance. So far we have been replacing water heaters, addressing oil leaks on the Perkins 4.108, replacing kitchen fixture, and replacing the running rigging.

We currently have Heart in the yard in Ensenada have a much needed paint job completed, as well as possibly repairing the 12+ year canvas bimini top which seems to be tearing apart at every seem.

It would be great to get to know other F39 owners and share information as we all learn about and enjoy our boats.

If anyone has details on how to fly the headsail and staysail that some of us obtained with our boats, I would very much appreciate it.


Frank and Tara


Very late to this thread but bought our 85 39PH last fall and sailing on the Chesapeake. So far we really like this boat but there is a definite learning curve compared to traditional rigs. Would love to take her to New England or down south at some point but no rush we hope.

Jenny Sue II is the former Sea Poem. The previous owners owned her for 20 plus years and spared no expense keeping her in trim so, fingers crossed, no large issues to deal with. I am curious about other sails (storm and kite?) that others seem to allude to…are those commonly used on the PH? How are they rigged?

Would love to learn from anyone who has time especially about ways to get the best out of the schooner rig.
