freedom M28

In the process of restoring the M 28, mostly refinishing or replacing the badly water damaged interior, which sat for 8 yrs with water over the floorboards. otherwise sails and engine are in excellent condition.
However, I can make no sense of the way the reefing system is rigged. It has been changed from the original single line system. Does anyone have a diagram of it? it isn’t included in the owners manual.
Also, I have the gun mount bow pulpit, but nothing else, so I’m looking for the rest, or drawings,
Thanks, John

What kind of boom is it? If it’s an Isomat, it may have “single line reefing,” and there is a separate section of diagrams and instructions that were included with the later owner’s manuals. It’s a somewhat complicated setup, but it works well if you set it up right and maintain the blocks that are inside the boom. If it’s a Kenyon boom, it should just be regular slab reefing.

This shows the setup and running rigging for the gunmount on the F21.

It must be a Kenyon, which makes some sense,though I can see rigging it single line, like a H 35, which is a simpler rig. Thanks for the input, John

I am new to this forum, and the new owner of a Freedom 28, so I have some newbie questions. When one refers to an M28, are they referring to Mull design? That is what I have . I was unaware there were two types of booms used in production. Mine is stored on the cabin at the moment, but would really like to know which one it is.
I have also looked for an owners manual on this forum. Does anyone know where I might find that? If it is here.

Image of ISOMAT boom