Freedom on the Chesapeake.

Posted by Jeff Bartlett (jhbartlett@…>)

I am finally in a position where I can really start focusing on my
next boat and one of boat lines I’d like to know more about is

My soon to be ex boat is an Oday 23, which I have sailed for 20
years, so I am used to a stayed sloop.

Can anyone offer insights/opinions on the suitability of a F28 cat
ketch for primarily daysailing singlehanded on the middle
Chesapeake. I would occasionally have 6 on board (two adults and
four kids now 11, 8, 4.5, and 2.5). I might possibly try to camp
overnight in the slip or at anchor with the kids, and not likely to
leave the bay (for a while anyway). I have never raced, and do not
expect to start. I will keep the boat in a slip, not on a mooring.
I sail to relax and tend to be somewhat lazy when sailing.

Can anyone offer comparisons or advantages and disadvantages
comparing a F28 cat ketch with a Sabre 28, Tartan 28 or similar sized
boats, especially given the above info.

Can anyone offer opinions of the advantages and disadvantages
comparing the fixed keel v. centerboard, or the wishbone booms v.
typical boom?

Can anyone compare on the two F28s, Hoyt v. Mull for me?

Posted by lioneldmp7 (doug.payne@…>)

Jeff, too much to comment in email. I just bought a Mull F 28 after
extensive research and looking at about every 28 footer known to man.
I would be happy to talk on the phone with you. Call me on the
weekend or evening on my cell at 480-236-4561

— In, “Jeff Bartlett”
<jhbartlett@h…> wrote:

I am finally in a position where I can really start focusing on my
next boat and one of boat lines I’d like to know more about is

My soon to be ex boat is an Oday 23, which I have sailed for 20
years, so I am used to a stayed sloop.

Can anyone offer insights/opinions on the suitability of a F28 cat
ketch for primarily daysailing singlehanded on the middle
Chesapeake. I would occasionally have 6 on board (two adults and
four kids now 11, 8, 4.5, and 2.5). I might possibly try to camp
overnight in the slip or at anchor with the kids, and not likely to
leave the bay (for a while anyway). I have never raced, and do not
expect to start. I will keep the boat in a slip, not on a
I sail to relax and tend to be somewhat lazy when sailing.

Can anyone offer comparisons or advantages and disadvantages
comparing a F28 cat ketch with a Sabre 28, Tartan 28 or similar
boats, especially given the above info.

Can anyone offer opinions of the advantages and disadvantages
comparing the fixed keel v. centerboard, or the wishbone booms v.
typical boom?

Can anyone compare on the two F28s, Hoyt v. Mull for me?

Posted by sailsurv (sailsurv@…>)

— In, “Jeff Bartlett”
<jhbartlett@h…> wrote:

I am finally in a position where I can really start focusing on my
next boat and one of boat lines I’d like to know more about is

My soon to be ex boat is an Oday 23, which I have sailed for 20
years, so I am used to a stayed sloop.

Can anyone offer insights/opinions on the suitability of a F28 cat
ketch for primarily daysailing singlehanded on the middle
Chesapeake. I would occasionally have 6 on board (two adults and
four kids now 11, 8, 4.5, and 2.5). I might possibly try to camp
overnight in the slip or at anchor with the kids, and not likely to
leave the bay (for a while anyway). I have never raced, and do not
expect to start. I will keep the boat in a slip, not on a
I sail to relax and tend to be somewhat lazy when sailing.

Can anyone offer comparisons or advantages and disadvantages
comparing a F28 cat ketch with a Sabre 28, Tartan 28 or similar
boats, especially given the above info.

Can anyone offer opinions of the advantages and disadvantages
comparing the fixed keel v. centerboard, or the wishbone booms v.
typical boom?

Can anyone compare on the two F28s, Hoyt v. Mull for me?

I owned a F-28 Cat/Sloop, and consider the boat superior to the Hoyt
boat. The boat will point better with the self tacking jib. Plus the
fixed keel on the Mull boat will hold up better the centerboard. No
pendant problems, ect. Your O’day 23 has a centerboard, and its’s
only a matter of time before it is a service problem.
The Full Batten Main on the Mull is much better than the wishbone
Better shape better performance. Unless draft is a real issue, look
at the Mull Boats.
You will much happier.
PS My present boat is a F-36, and a will be at Rock Hall Next Year.