Frozen Engine Stop Cable

Posted by mdurki (vaughan@…>)

Last year I regailed the group with problems of a frozen engine stop
cable, and various of you responded with advice.

I had tried–without success–getting lubricant down the cable, and it
apperared that the only solution was to remove it. But in desperation
when I secured the boat last Fall, I did just that, puttin both a
penetrating oil and a plain lubricant as best I could around the cockpit
end of the cable.

To my utter amazment, when I boarded the boat yesterday and gave the
cable a tug it worked so well that I thought that it must have broken. I
can’t remember the last time it worked so smoothly.

From now on, lubricating the engine stop cable is on my list of
winterizing tasks.

(I appologize if this is a duplicate mailing; something went crazy on my
first attempt.)