Line drawings F36/38

Posted by ljbuck0 (lbuckley@…>)

Where can i find line drawings for a Freedom 36/38?

Posted by vtaiariol (borelmfg@…>)

Do a Google search, there are plenty of sources for line drawings of
the F36/38

— In, “ljbuck0” <lbuckley@…>

Where can i find line drawings for a Freedom 36/38?

Posted by wilfred2736 (wilf.bishop@…>)

Last year I asked if anyone had a source for line drawings for the
Freedom 21 & I was directed to drawings they were just simple plan &
elevation drawings of the boat, whereas what I really needed was a
drawing showing hull sections, waterlines & buttock lines - that is
to say a complete set of proper yacht lines drawings that would
enable me to make a nice half model of my F21 for the study wall.

The upshot was that I had to spend about a day taking the hull
sections off my boat when she was on her road trailer and although
it is a bit of a pernickety job one can get surprisingly accurate
lines with some very basic equipment (paper, pencil, spirit level,
tape measure, G clamps and some scrap plywood)& I intend to draw the
F21 lines up nicely this winter & put them on our Freedom site
together with a “how to do it” set of illustrated instructions.

It may well be that the hull lines of the Freedom 36/38 are also not
readily available and that the only solution is for you to take off
a set of lines yourself?

Incidentally I did also contact Gary Hoyt himself who admitted that
he no longer had a set of lines for the F21 and suggested that I
took the lines off myself. Back in the 1980’s one could easily find
sets of hull line drawings in many of the yachting magazines but I
guess that naval archirects have now become more reticent about
publishing this data - not sure why since it guess it would be
really difficult (impossible?) to accurately lay out & loft any boat
from a 6" x 4" set of lines drawing in a magazine?

Anyway - good luck in your search for hull lines.

Wilf Bishop
Freedom 21 DAYDREAM

— In, “vtaiariol” <borelmfg@…>

Do a Google search, there are plenty of sources for line drawings
the F36/38

— In, “ljbuck0” <lbuckley@>

Where can i find line drawings for a Freedom 36/38?