Mast Boot

Posted by Jerome Weinraub (zayde@…>)

Last year someone left a bit of 4" wide shrink tape at the boatyard. I tried it as a mast boot sealant on my F33,sealing it with an electric heat gun. It works very well,and 4’X 180’ costs less than $20 on the net. Another way to save $$$$

Posted by Folia Grace (fgrace2000@…>)

— In, Jerome Weinraub <zayde@…>

Last year someone left a bit of 4" wide shrink tape at the boatyard.
I tried it as a mast boot sealant on my F33,sealing it with an
electric heat gun. It works very well,and 4’X 180’ costs less than $20
on the net. Another way to save $$$$

Sounds like a great idea. Just use caution when applying the heat.
Epoxy in carbon masts don’t do well with high temps.