Need sails?

Posted by Dave_Benjamin (dave_benjamin@…>)

I’m hanging out in Thailand and visited one of the best lofts in the
world. They do a lot of Nonsuch sails so Freedom sails should be
pretty doable. Email me if you want a price on anything. Quality is
first rate. I sued to work for a loft in Florida and was very
impressed with what I’ve seen here.

Posted by mike_c_f35ck (mike_c_f35ck@…>)


Just to get an impression: what would be the cost of a set of sails
(full batten, nice roach, conventional boom) for an F33? And what
would be the shipping rates to Western Europe (Netherlands)?


— In, “Dave_Benjamin”
<dave_benjamin@y…> wrote:

I’m hanging out in Thailand and visited one of the best lofts in
world. They do a lot of Nonsuch sails so Freedom sails should be
pretty doable. Email me if you want a price on anything. Quality is
first rate. I sued to work for a loft in Florida and was very
impressed with what I’ve seen here.

Posted by dfcreedon@…> (dfcreedon@…>)

Dave how about an idea of cost and shipping to US for an F33 set. Yankee Belle

From: “Dave_Benjamin” <dave_benjamin@…>
Date: 2004/11/08 Mon AM 02:03:42 EST
Subject: [freedomyachts2003] Need sails?

I’m hanging out in Thailand and visited one of the best lofts in the
world. They do a lot of Nonsuch sails so Freedom sails should be
pretty doable. Email me if you want a price on anything. Quality is
first rate. I sued to work for a loft in Florida and was very
impressed with what I’ve seen here.


Posted by Lorman, Alvin J. (ajlorman@…>)


I’m actually in the process of buying news sails for my 1987 F-30, so I I’d be interested in quote, including duty and shipping to Washington, DC. Are you referring to Rolly Tasker Sails? I asked one of their US reps for a quote and they didn’t even have the dimensions for the jib.

I hope you don’t mind my asking…but what is your interest in this?

Many thanks.

Al Lorman

-----Original Message-----From: Dave_Benjamin [mailto:dave_benjamin@…] Sent: Monday, November 08, 2004 2:04 AMTo: freedomyachts2003@yahoogroups.comSubject: [freedomyachts2003] Need sails?I’m hanging out in Thailand and visited one of the best lofts in the world. They do a lot of Nonsuch sails so Freedom sails should be pretty doable. Email me if you want a price on anything. Quality is first rate. I sued to work for a loft in Florida and was very impressed with what I’ve seen here.This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail.

Posted by gaprior@… (gaprior@…)

Hi Dave-

Add an F-21 main to the list.

Thanks, Greg

— In, “Dave_Benjamin”
<dave_benjamin@y…> wrote:

I’m hanging out in Thailand and visited one of the best lofts in
world. They do a lot of Nonsuch sails so Freedom sails should be
pretty doable. Email me if you want a price on anything. Quality is
first rate. I sued to work for a loft in Florida and was very
impressed with what I’ve seen here.