New Freedom 30 Owner

Just thought I’d post to say Hello everyone and have been digging through the reams of posts on ideas and fixes on the site so Thank you in advance for making my life easier.

I just bought a 1988 Freedom 30 here in Cleveland and spent the summer sailing it on Erie with my buddy after replacing most of the lines and sheets and it has been a blast so far.

Boat Name = Oh So Close!

Now it’s on stands for winter down in the flats and I have found that i have multiple projects I need to work on over the winter to make it new again and in some instance “legal”. :wink:

big items on the repair list:
replace head and all lines so that i connects to the deck pumpout and not have everything go overboard
Please the floor in the V-berth that was completely rotted away as the Mast Seal was split and leaked into the V-Berth for a couple of years.
replace all my sensors and install new Navigation system
install fresh water access plates to clean it.
replace the accumulator that was installed upsidedown and also spraying water out the vent plug (bag is bad looks like)
Please the Port lights in Head, Main Cabin and V-Berth that are all leaking and ruining the wood.
replace the water pump that looks like it is 30 years old and keeps stopping for no reason.
find a Gelco guy to fix the cracks in the hull where it looks like someone hit a pier. (got a guy for that)

Might start a repair post just to keep me engaged and get feedback, but that won’t be until it starts to warm up.

wasn’t sure how to load images on this old BBS… linked an image of her the first day I brought her back.

Re the hull cracks you are going to fix. The core is dry I hope. Should be checked if you have damage. If any wetness, fix before repairing the laminate. Should be doable from inside the boat if necessary.

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Thanks for the Tip MIke!

I am working with a guy that runs a repair business on this and will make sure I mention it to him when I schedule the work in the spring before I put it back in the water.

I helped him and is sister bring their “new to them” 27’ sailboat down from Port Huron back to Lakewood so he was going to give me a deal on the work for that.

Neither of them had really sailed before and were going to take lessons this year so I volunteered to do it and teach them some basics while we came back.

So I started working on replacing the plumbing on the boat this week so that it will be legal on the lake and not be set up to completely route everything out the bottom of the boat.

while at it I also removed the old Raymarine depth and speed gauges as they were not working.

Users a double hole drill bit to get them completely out as whoever mounted them physically glued the whole thing in with cement it felt like… had to cut off the plastic nuts and then drill through both old gauges…

1 to 2 hours of work.

before removal inside:

After Removal outside.

tomorrow I’m going to clean the holes up with a Drummel and sand them down.

Re: the depth and speed instruments, you may want to consider just sealing the old transducer holes and using an air internal mount depth transducer. The Hawkeye is an inexpensive and fairly nice unit. Works well for me.
As for speed, there are various other ways to get accurate speed readings via chart plotter or navigation apps using gps. The old paddle wheel style transducers always get fouled anyway.
Good luck!

Bought an F30 a few months back ('87), the previous owner put oin a composting head. Seems like an easy fox rather than replumbing everything

What’s your hull number?

I am #3. There were many changes during F30 production. It would be nice to connect with others with the very early numbers which, presumably, would be very similar to my build.