Hi All,
I’m currently restoring my 1979 f35 swing keel and coming on leaps and bounds. Im hoping to find someone locally who has some experience with the mast and rigging on freedoms.
I have folders of drawings and information but it’s always nice to find someone who is interested to bounce ideas off.
If your interested in helping with my little (huge for me) project i can pay in tea/coffee, bacon sandwiches and biscuits.
Hi David,
I was Chief Engineer at TPI when the original Freedom 33s (Freedom 35s in the UK) were being built. From my archives I attach a PDF file of docmuents relating to the F33, including various specifications and notes on the rigging. I am not near you, I live in Alpharetta, Georgia, USA, but I have been a resource to Freedom owners in the past. I am sure the attached document will prove useful to you. If you have questions and wish to email me directly. my email address is eric@ericwsponberg.com.
FREEDOM 33 Brochure #2.pdf (1.8 MB)
Hey Eric,
Any chance you have anything like that on the Freedom 36/38?
Thanks Eric, a huge help! Wow what a great career being so involved in a part of history
“Rising Sun” will be sailing again in 18 months after 30 years on the hard thanks to people like yourself.
Thanks Dave
[quote=“RadioZephyr, post:3, topic:11752, full:true”]
Hey Eric,
Any chance you have anything like that on the Freedom 36/38?
Hi Josh,
The only things that I have for the F36/38 are the two items attached, sorry no other specs.
I did two redesigns on a F36/38, Wobegon Daze, stories of which you can find on my website, here: https://ericwsponberg.com/wp-content/uploads/case-studies-in-redesign.pdf
and here: https://ericwsponberg.com/wp-content/uploads/New-Wingmast-Rig-for-Wobegon-Daze.pdf
You can try contacting Paul Dennis at Warren River Boatworks in Rhode Island. He was the Freedom Production Manager at TPI when I was Chief Engineer. He has spent his whole career involved in the care and feeding of Freedom Yachts in the US and knows everything there is to know about Freedoms. His website is: https://www.warrenriverboatworks.com/.
I hope that helps somewhat.
Cheers, Eric
FREEDOM 36 Reviews Various.pdf (1.2 MB)
FREEDOM YACHT LINE Brochure Late 80s.pdf (3.1 MB)
Thanks Eric! Very interesting stuff. I’ve never read those early reviews before, quite cool.