Pedestal Refinish

Posted by jerry_magic1 (jerry_magic1@…>)

With income tax completed it’s time to go back to the boat and get on
with the fixing projects.
Next task: Refinish the peeling, paint chipped Edson eysore binnacle

Got turned off by the lengthy restoration process described in the
Edson web site for this operation. I don’t particularly like
sanding, painting and handling chemicals if it can be avoided.
Was thinking about disassembling the pedestal and sending it out for
a powder coating job.

Has anybody taken these pedestals apart - and if so, are there any
pitfalls I need to watch out for?

In describing the refinish needed on the pedestal to the local
(Corpus Christi) powder coat guy, he suggested I instead have it
plastic coated. He advised this process was easily as long lasting
as powder coating, is very impervious to UV and salt water
penetration, and it is easy to repair any subsequent scratches or
dings with a patch kit they provide that you melt on (somehow). He
indicated he would take the pedestal, sandblast it, apply the plastic
coating and turn around the job in 3 or 4 days (sooner if required)
for a ballpark price of about $100.

Anybody know anything about plastic coating aluminum parts like this?

Posted by michel.capel (michel.capel@…>)

I’m far from an expert, but in the case of plastic coating, I would
worry about the adhesion between the aluminum and the plastic.
Sandblasted aluminum regains its corrosion skin very quickly, and
who knows what happens once it’s covered with plastic. I treated my
aluminum mast/deckrings with a special Hammerite primer and painted
them in '97. The primer is still on it, even where the paint has
worn off. You might consider a primer of this kind under the plastic
layer to protect the aluminum from corroding. And prime the inside
of the pedestal as well!


— In, “jerry_magic1”
<jerry_magic1@…> wrote:

With income tax completed it’s time to go back to the boat and get
with the fixing projects.
Next task: Refinish the peeling, paint chipped Edson eysore

Got turned off by the lengthy restoration process described in the
Edson web site for this operation. I don’t particularly like
sanding, painting and handling chemicals if it can be avoided.
Was thinking about disassembling the pedestal and sending it out
a powder coating job.

Has anybody taken these pedestals apart - and if so, are there any
pitfalls I need to watch out for?

In describing the refinish needed on the pedestal to the local
(Corpus Christi) powder coat guy, he suggested I instead have it
plastic coated. He advised this process was easily as long
as powder coating, is very impervious to UV and salt water
penetration, and it is easy to repair any subsequent scratches or
dings with a patch kit they provide that you melt on (somehow).
indicated he would take the pedestal, sandblast it, apply the
coating and turn around the job in 3 or 4 days (sooner if
for a ballpark price of about $100.

Anybody know anything about plastic coating aluminum parts like