Have been asked to post some recent photos. Ive spend 6 mths in the Philippines and it’s been great. Amazingly friendly people and beautiful country side. Thailand gets all the cruising attention in this part of the world, in my opinion the Philippines is a much more scenic cruising ground. The thing is its really undeveloped ( well alot of it is) you just see very few yachts. Volcanoes, clear water, millions of coconut trees, awesome people and 7000 islands!
A couple more.
Bankas, trikes and Jeepez this is how they get around.
Fantastic pictures, thanks for posting, now I really am wondering what I am doing here!
Great photos, glad I asked. Not quite ready to sail there as I just havent become great at 30 yo diesel care, and havent made my Yuloh.
All the boats in the islands with amas make me ask what lead those seaman to all add those even on boats with fair beam? Some benefit to surf landing? to long ocean swell rolling?
Wow! I’ve been to Cambodia, and the Gulf of Thailand, which was beautiful but looks truly wonderful there. Have to find a way to get there at some point and see the sights!