On my Freedom 36 Sloop the halyards and reef lines have to pass through the wooden traveler support to reach the rope clutches. Physically, a tunnel was drilled through the wooden traveler support for each rope. The rope is protected from chafe by hard plastic grommets that cover both ends of the pass-through tunnels, similar to cable grommets for data cables and power cords.
Does anyone know the manufacturer and have a part number?
I want to bring the outhaul and Cunningham back to the cockpit.
I also have a 1986 Freedom 36 and added another line back to the cockpit. I used a pair of ‘Flanged Sleeve Bearing’ from McMaster-Carr, part number 6389K449 (McMaster-Carr) for each pass through. I bedded them in place with 4200. I replaced all of the other pass throughs in the traveler support too.
Be mindful of where the through bolts are located in the wood support for the traveler when you drill the new hole. I nicked one and was very angry at myself!
Oops the part number is 6389K448 for the 3/4 long version. Using that the ends did not quite touch inside the wood which I thought was probably best.