portlight gasket

Posted by sailorray4493 (ray.wolf@…>)

Does anyone know where to get new gaskets for the portlights on a F 45

who originally made the portlights?

thanks for any help or info

Posted by George E. Herchenroether (g.herk@…>)

Our 45 ports in
the bow have no gasket, but instead a black adhesive. We are a 91.
What year is yours? I believe the
ports are from Atkins and Hoyle, but not certain.

E. Herchenroether
Bush St
Newport, RI 02840


Posted by sailorray4493 (ray.wolf@…>)

we are hull # 30, a 1991. Have you had problems with leaks in your
bow portlights? How did you solve it? Do I need to replace the
adhesive / gasket, or just learn how to adjust the hatch? I am
hesitant to take anything apart until I have some idea how to put it
back together.

I am new to Freedoms, having bought ours in november of 04,
previously the boat was known at Liberty Belle, we have renamed her
Jade Moon.

You can reach me outside of the group at ray.wolf@…,
4493 38th Way S., St. Petersburg, FL 33711, 727-906-3319 cell 678-

Thanks for your time

— In freedomyachts2003@yahoogroups.com, “George E. Herchenroether”
<g.herk@c…> wrote:

Our 45 ports in the bow have no gasket, but instead a black
adhesive. We
are a 91. What year is yours? I believe the ports are from
Atkins and
Hoyle, but not certain.

George E. Herchenroether
4 Bush St
Newport, RI 02840

401.338.5329 mobile

Posted by George Herchenroether (g.herk@…>)

One of the very
few problem areas with our boats are the portlights. You and I have the stainless units. They are superb. The installations were not the best.

Anyway, I am
presently removing the forward starboard port in the forward cabin. You remove all the screws inside and
out. Then working on the outside you use a block of wood to protect the unit and bang
it loose into the inside. There are only
two pieces. One is the exterior flange
and the other is portlight unit itself. Comes out very cleanly.
Then chisel out the rotten core in the lower edge of the port hull hole. Let it dry out thoroughly over a couple of

Then run in a
course of epoxy into the void you created when you chiseled out the core. Right up to the edge of the hole.

I have not
decided what kind of bedding or gasket to use yet. Most likely I will go
with a thin rubber gasket on the exterior and silicone in the interior.

It is not a difficult repair.
This is the second one I have done.
First one has been totally drive since done 2
years ago. And
as yet, none of the others are showing leakage…knock on wood.


Posted by sailorray4493 (ray.wolf@…>)

Let me know what you decide to use for a gasket and for bedding when
you are done…sounds like a good mid summer project for me, after
the rain stops.

thanks for you help


— In freedomyachts2003@yahoogroups.com, “George Herchenroether”
<g.herk@c…> wrote:

One of the very few problem areas with our boats are the
portlights. You
and I have the stainless units. They are superb. The
installations were
not the best.

Anyway, I am presently removing the forward starboard port in the
cabin. You remove all the screws inside and out. Then working on
outside you use a block of wood to protect the unit and bang it
loose into
the inside. There are only two pieces. One is the exterior
flange and the
other is portlight unit itself. Comes out very cleanly. Then
chisel out
the rotten core in the lower edge of the port hull hole. Let it
dry out
thoroughly over a couple of days.

Then run in a course of epoxy into the void you created when you
out the core. Right up to the edge of the hole.

I have not decided what kind of bedding or gasket to use yet.
Most likely I
will go with a thin rubber gasket on the exterior and silicone in

It is not a difficult repair. This is the second one I have
done. First
one has been totally drive since done 2 years ago. And as yet,
none of the
others are showing leakage.knock on wood.

Geore Herchenroether