Re: a LONG weekend

Posted by jsforgey@… (jsforgey@…)

Thanks for sharing about your trip.

It always inspires me to go back out there.

And I love that it was a great story, not one that included the dreaded “And THEN…”

GirlfriendGet a sneak peek of the all-new

Posted by lance_ryley (lance_ryley@…>)

Saturday, while sailing in Boston Harbor, I started to get a
hankering for the best french toast on the planet (except for home-
made creme brulee french toast, but that’s a different story), so
with an agreeable wife we motorsailed to Vineyard Haven. We hit the
canal at the right time, got to Woods Hole just as the sun was
setting, and found that there were many, many open moorings outside
the breakwater. By around 9, we were fed and hunkered in for the
night. With the winds fairly light out of the northwest, the chop
wasn’t too bad. We had gotten a bit of a late start out of Boston,
but even so, being able to motorsail at around 8 kts and going into
familiar waters made the trip bearable.

Sunday’s french toast breakfast at the Black Dog was great (as usual)
and definitely worth the trip. The weather was clear and perfect all
day, and very relaxing as we puttered about in shops sporting end-of-
summer sales.

Yesterday, the winds were (for once) as predicted, SW 10-15. We shot
across the sound, motorsailed through Woods Hole, and had a
rocketsled ride down to the canal. The trip up the coast in beam
reach winds had us moving above 7 for most of the day. At Minot’s,
the winds piped up into the mid-upper 20s, but a quick reef took care
of the overpowering helm and we saw 7.4 - 7.6 on a close reach. Once
in the harbor, the winds moderated a bit and we shook out the reef,
dealing with the occasional puff by feathering into it or dropping
the traveler. I found that in the 15 knot breezes, pointing was
actually quite good and in 4 tacks (against the current), we were in
the inner harbor.

I know this wasn’t the last sail of the season, but it was an
excellent way to bring the unofficial last weekend of summer to a

And yes, the cinnamon sweetbread french toast is definitely worth the
140 mile round trip :wink:


Posted by Thomas Wales (twales@…>)

Hey Lance,
I’ve heard of walkin’ a mile for a camel, but 140 miles for
French Toast.
Why not…
We have the shipbuilders cup sailboat race up here (Boothbay
Harbor) this weekend, which is limited to boats over 60’. We usually
have several racing sleds show up. Lots of fun to watch.

At 09:03 AM 9/4/2007, you wrote:

Saturday, while sailing in Boston Harbor, I started to get a
hankering for the best french toast on the planet (except for home-
made creme brulee french toast, but that’s a different story), so
with an agreeable wife we motorsailed to Vineyard Haven. We hit the
canal at the right time, got to Woods Hole just as the sun was
setting, and found that there were many, many open moorings outside
the breakwater. By around 9, we were fed and hunkered in for the
night. With the winds fairly light out of the northwest, the chop
wasn’t too bad. We had gotten a bit of a late start out of Boston,
but even so, being able to motorsail at around 8 kts and going into
familiar waters made the trip bearable.

Sunday’s french toast breakfast at the Black Dog was great (as usual)
and definitely worth the trip. The weather was clear and perfect all
day, and very relaxing as we puttered about in shops sporting end-of-
summer sales.

Yesterday, the winds were (for once) as predicted, SW 10-15. We shot
across the sound, motorsailed through Woods Hole, and had a
rocketsled ride down to the canal. The trip up the coast in beam
reach winds had us moving above 7 for most of the day. At Minot’s,
the winds piped up into the mid-upper 20s, but a quick reef took care
of the overpowering helm and we saw 7.4 - 7.6 on a close reach. Once
in the harbor, the winds moderated a bit and we shook out the reef,
dealing with the occasional puff by feathering into it or dropping
the traveler. I found that in the 15 knot breezes, pointing was
actually quite good and in 4 tacks (against the current), we were in
the inner harbor.

I know this wasn’t the last sail of the season, but it was an
excellent way to bring the unofficial last weekend of summer to a

And yes, the cinnamon sweetbread french toast is definitely worth the
140 mile round trip :wink:


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Posted by Sward (swardfullsail@…>)
Hello all, I guess I could tell you about my visit to the Black Dog too. My friend and I left here, Havelock, NC, on July 17th, on my Freedom32, “Dream On”. We went up the ICW to Norfolk, VA, offshore to Atlantic City, NJ, then to Block Island, Cuttyhunk, Dartmouth, (my former hometown), Fairhaven, MA, Hadley Harbor,then to Vineyard Haven. Had lunch at the Black Dog-wish we had had some of that french toast though!!! We had a family reunion on the 18th, I had a boat openhouse at the dock in Oak Bluffs for family and friends most of whom had never seen my boat Then on the 19th, we headed back to North Carolina via, Cuttyhunk, Atlantic City, Norfolk, Dismal Swamp route of the ICW and back in my temporary slip at Matthews Point Marina, in Havelock, NC-arriving Sunday at noon with a huge welcoming party on the dock. I’m trying to think ahead to the next
place to sail to and find someone special to do that trip with. I’d like to go further south for the winter and would love to go to the Bahama’s but would like a partner to do that with. Does anyone know about liveaboard marina’s in Florida? Anyway, the trip was great-weather was almost perfect-did a lot of sailing back-not too much going up. She sail’s great, especially with new sails. Saw lots of old friends and relatives-old and new!!! Love my boat-would love to share it with someone special-know anybody mid 50-s to mid 60’s who wants and can go cruising indefinately???Thomas Wales <twales@…> wrote: Hey Lance,I’ve heard of walkin’ a mile for a camel, but 140 miles for French Toast.Why not…We have the shipbuilders cup sailboat race up here (Boothbay Harbor) this weekend, which is limited to boats over 60’. We usually have several racing sleds show up. Lots of fun to watch.TWAt 09:03 AM 9/4/2007, you wrote:>Saturday, while sailing in Boston Harbor, I started to get a>hankering for the best french toast on the planet (except for home->made creme brulee french toast, but that’s a different story), so>with an agreeable wife we motorsailed to Vineyard Haven. We hit the>canal at the right time, got to Woods Hole just as the sun was>setting, and found that there were many,
many open moorings outside>the breakwater. By around 9, we were fed and hunkered in for the>night. With the winds fairly light out of the northwest, the chop>wasn’t too bad. We had gotten a bit of a late start out of Boston,>but even so, being able to motorsail at around 8 kts and going into>familiar waters made the trip bearable.>>Sunday’s french toast breakfast at the Black Dog was great (as usual)>and definitely worth the trip. The weather was clear and perfect all>day, and very relaxing as we puttered about in shops sporting end-of->summer sales.>>Yesterday, the winds were (for once) as predicted, SW 10-15. We shot>across the sound, motorsailed through Woods Hole, and had a>rocketsled ride down to the canal. The trip up the coast in beam>reach winds had us moving above 7 for most of the day. At Minot’s,>the winds piped up into the mid-upper 20s, but a quick
reef took care>of the overpowering helm and we saw 7.4 - 7.6 on a close reach. Once>in the harbor, the winds moderated a bit and we shook out the reef,>dealing with the occasional puff by feathering into it or dropping>the traveler. I found that in the 15 knot breezes, pointing was>actually quite good and in 4 tacks (against the current), we were in>the inner harbor.>>I know this wasn’t the last sail of the season, but it was an>excellent way to bring the unofficial last weekend of summer to a>close.>>And yes, the cinnamon sweetbread french toast is definitely worth the>140 mile round trip ;)>>Lance>“Glory”>>>>No virus found in this incoming message.>Checked by AVG Free Edition.>Version: 7.5.485 / Virus Database: 269.13.5/988 - Release Date: >9/4/2007 9:14 AM-- No virus found in this outgoing
message.Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.485 / Virus Database: 269.13.5/988 - Release Date: 9/4/2007 9:14 AM"Life is a Reach, then you Jibe" SWARD

Posted by Larry Kraus (kracherlandl@…>)

Hey you F32ers,

What kind of props do you have and what kind of boat speed do you get
while motoring? I have an adjustable pitch, 3 blade prop. At 2000 rpm,
and flat water, I get about 4.2 knots. If I have to slog into chop, I
get about 3 knots. Why not motor sail you might ask? Well we did that
about 2 weeks ago. Worked nice until I realized that when heeled to
starboard, we stopped getting intake water into the freshwater cooling
pump. No harm done as we noticed it soon enough. Not that much heel
either. Toe rail was not in the water. We were on a time line on the
last day of a fine 10 day vacation and had to be pumped out before the
dock closed. Hate being on a time line. But I digress. So we quit
motorsailing and slogged the rest of the way at 3 knots. Got there just
in time.

Any thoughts on the boat speed-prop issue. the mech at our marina
suggests that the pitch isn’t adjusted properly. He said that with that
prop, I should be able to go hull speed. By the way the motor is a 20 HP
3 cylinder Yanmar. I looked at the prop when we were out last winter. It
sure looked to me like it turned out to full pitch. Maybe I didn’t know
how to evaluate it.


Larry Kraus
Wind Sonnet '84

jsforgey@… wrote:

Thanks for sharing about your trip.

It always inspires me to go back out there.

And I love that it was a great story, not one that included the
dreaded “And THEN…”


Get a sneak peek of the all-new

Posted by Al Lorman (ajl@…>)


no expert and I have a 30,not a 32, but it sure seems to me that you should get
more than 4.2 kts at 2000 rpm in flat water. Assuming that your tach is working
properly, then your prop seems the likely suspect.

Ab Initio

From: [] On
Behalf Of Larry Kraus
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2007 4:20 PM
Subject: Re: [FreedomOwnersGroup] a LONG weekend


Hey you F32ers,

What kind of props do you have and what kind of boat speed do you get
while motoring? I have an adjustable pitch, 3 blade prop. At 2000 rpm,
and flat water, I get about 4.2 knots. If I have to slog into chop, I
get about 3 knots. Why not motor sail you might ask? Well we did that
about 2 weeks ago. Worked nice until I realized that when heeled to
starboard, we stopped getting intake water into the freshwater cooling
pump. No harm done as we noticed it soon enough. Not that much heel
either. Toe rail was not in the water. We were on a time line on the
last day of a fine 10 day vacation and had to be pumped out before the
dock closed. Hate being on a time line. But I digress. So we quit
motorsailing and slogged the rest of the way at 3 knots. Got there just
in time.

Any thoughts on the boat speed-prop issue. the mech at our marina
suggests that the pitch isn’t adjusted properly. He said that with that
prop, I should be able to go hull speed. By the way the motor is a 20 HP
3 cylinder Yanmar. I looked at the prop when we were out last winter. It
sure looked to me like it turned out to full pitch. Maybe I didn’t know
how to evaluate it.


Larry Kraus
Wind Sonnet '84

jsforgey@… wrote:

Thanks for sharing about your trip.

It always inspires me to go back out there.

And I love that it was a great story, not one that included the
dreaded “And THEN…”


Get a sneak peek of the all-new


Posted by lance_ryley (lance_ryley@…>)

LOL Tom,
as tempting as that is, I’m afraid my wife the Admiral might put her
foot down. Although we did have an excellent breakfast in Booth Bay…

— In, Thomas Wales <twales@…>

Hey Lance,
I’ve heard of walkin’ a mile for a camel, but 140 miles for
French Toast.
Why not…
We have the shipbuilders cup sailboat race up here (Boothbay
Harbor) this weekend, which is limited to boats over 60’. We usually
have several racing sleds show up. Lots of fun to watch.

Posted by Thomas Wales (twales@…>)

Hi Larry,
I have the standard 2 bladed fixed prop and don’t plan on
changing it. I, too, have the Yanmar 3GM engine. At 2300 rpm, I
will get about 5.8 Kts in flat water. I motored into a fairly stiff
wind yesterday to fill up water tank for my next trip and the gps
read between 5.3 and 5.6 kts.
My experience with the through -hull speedos is that they
are not very accurate. That may be half the problem. If you have a
gps, or can borrow one, check the difference in speeds that you get
with each device.
Tom Wales
F32 #20
Anoush Koon
Pemaquid, ME

At 04:19 PM 9/4/2007, you wrote:

Hey you F32ers,

What kind of props do you have and what kind of boat speed do you get
while motoring? I have an adjustable pitch, 3 blade prop. At 2000 rpm,
and flat water, I get about 4.2 knots. If I have to slog into chop, I
get about 3 knots. Why not motor sail you might ask? Well we did that
about 2 weeks ago. Worked nice until I realized that when heeled to
starboard, we stopped getting intake water into the freshwater cooling
pump. No harm done as we noticed it soon enough. Not that much heel
either. Toe rail was not in the water. We were on a time line on the
last day of a fine 10 day vacation and had to be pumped out before the
dock closed. Hate being on a time line. But I digress. So we quit
motorsailing and slogged the rest of the way at 3 knots. Got there just
in time.

Any thoughts on the boat speed-prop issue. the mech at our marina
suggests that the pitch isn’t adjusted properly. He said that with that
prop, I should be able to go hull speed. By the way the motor is a 20 HP
3 cylinder Yanmar. I looked at the prop when we were out last winter. It
sure looked to me like it turned out to full pitch. Maybe I didn’t know
how to evaluate it.


Larry Kraus
Wind Sonnet '84

mailto:jsforgey%40aol.comjsforgey@… wrote:

Thanks for sharing about your trip.

It always inspires me to go back out there.

And I love that it was a great story, not one that included the
dreaded “And THEN…”


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Posted by Herman and Gail Schiller (hschiller2@…>)

I have a Mull 28 with a Yanmar 2GM turning a 2-blade, 14" Max-Prop
feathering propeller. I get about 5 knots at 2000RPM. The Max-Prop
has adjustable pitch (done when on the hard). I called the company to
find out what the appropriate pitch was for my
boat/engine/transmission combination. The results pleased me. If
there are any barnacles on the prop, it will really kill the thrust.
Check that out too. Herm

At 04:19 PM 9/4/2007, you wrote:

Hey you F32ers,

What kind of props do you have and what kind of boat speed do you get
while motoring? I have an adjustable pitch, 3 blade prop. At 2000 rpm,
and flat water, I get about 4.2 knots. If I have to slog into chop, I
get about 3 knots. Why not motor sail you might ask? Well we did that
about 2 weeks ago. Worked nice until I realized that when heeled to
starboard, we stopped getting intake water into the freshwater cooling
pump. No harm done as we noticed it soon enough. Not that much heel
either. Toe rail was not in the water. We were on a time line on the
last day of a fine 10 day vacation and had to be pumped out before the
dock closed. Hate being on a time line. But I digress. So we quit
motorsailing and slogged the rest of the way at 3 knots. Got there just
in time.

Any thoughts on the boat speed-prop issue. the mech at our marina
suggests that the pitch isn’t adjusted properly. He said that with that
prop, I should be able to go hull speed. By the way the motor is a 20 HP
3 cylinder Yanmar. I looked at the prop when we were out last winter. It
sure looked to me like it turned out to full pitch. Maybe I didn’t know
how to evaluate it.


Larry Kraus
Wind Sonnet '84

mailto:jsforgey%40aol.comjsforgey@… wrote:

Thanks for sharing about your trip.

It always inspires me to go back out there.

And I love that it was a great story, not one that included the
dreaded “And THEN…”


Get a sneak peek of the all-new


Posted by Larry Kraus (kracherlandl@…>)

Thanks for the reply Al.


Al Lorman wrote:


I’m no expert and I have a 30,not a 32, but it sure seems to me that
you should get more than 4.2 kts at 2000 rpm in flat water. Assuming
that your tach is working properly, then your prop seems the likely

Al Lorman

F30 Ab Initio

[] *On Behalf Of *Larry Kraus
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2007 4:20 PM
Subject: Re: [FreedomOwnersGroup] a LONG weekend

Hey you F32ers,

What kind of props do you have and what kind of boat speed do you get
while motoring? I have an adjustable pitch, 3 blade prop. At 2000 rpm,
and flat water, I get about 4.2 knots. If I have to slog into chop, I
get about 3 knots. Why not motor sail you might ask? Well we did that
about 2 weeks ago. Worked nice until I realized that when heeled to
starboard, we stopped getting intake water into the freshwater cooling
pump. No harm done as we noticed it soon enough. Not that much heel
either. Toe rail was not in the water. We were on a time line on the
last day of a fine 10 day vacation and had to be pumped out before the
dock closed. Hate being on a time line. But I digress. So we quit
motorsailing and slogged the rest of the way at 3 knots. Got there just
in time.

Any thoughts on the boat speed-prop issue. the mech at our marina
suggests that the pitch isn’t adjusted properly. He said that with that
prop, I should be able to go hull speed. By the way the motor is a 20 HP
3 cylinder Yanmar. I looked at the prop when we were out last winter. It
sure looked to me like it turned out to full pitch. Maybe I didn’t know
how to evaluate it.


Larry Kraus
Wind Sonnet '84

jsforgey@… wrote:

Thanks for sharing about your trip.

It always inspires me to go back out there.

And I love that it was a great story, not one that included the
dreaded “And THEN…”


Get a sneak peek of the all-new


Posted by Larry Kraus (kracherlandl@…>)


GPS is not as kind as the thru hull in this case. GPS speed is a little
slower. Current wisdom is that I’ve got a prop problem. This is not the
first time either. Some previous owner took off the 2 blade folding prop
and added the adjustable pitch prop. The folded one was stored in the
boat when we bought her. Thanks for the advice.


Thomas Wales wrote:

Hi Larry,
I have the standard 2 bladed fixed prop and don’t plan on
changing it. I, too, have the Yanmar 3GM engine. At 2300 rpm, I
will get about 5.8 Kts in flat water. I motored into a fairly stiff
wind yesterday to fill up water tank for my next trip and the gps
read between 5.3 and 5.6 kts.
My experience with the through -hull speedos is that they
are not very accurate. That may be half the problem. If you have a
gps, or can borrow one, check the difference in speeds that you get
with each device.
Tom Wales
F32 #20
Anoush Koon
Pemaquid, ME

At 04:19 PM 9/4/2007, you wrote:

Hey you F32ers,

What kind of props do you have and what kind of boat speed do you get
while motoring? I have an adjustable pitch, 3 blade prop. At 2000 rpm,
and flat water, I get about 4.2 knots. If I have to slog into chop, I
get about 3 knots. Why not motor sail you might ask? Well we did that
about 2 weeks ago. Worked nice until I realized that when heeled to
starboard, we stopped getting intake water into the freshwater cooling
pump. No harm done as we noticed it soon enough. Not that much heel
either. Toe rail was not in the water. We were on a time line on the
last day of a fine 10 day vacation and had to be pumped out before the
dock closed. Hate being on a time line. But I digress. So we quit
motorsailing and slogged the rest of the way at 3 knots. Got there just
in time.

Any thoughts on the boat speed-prop issue. the mech at our marina
suggests that the pitch isn’t adjusted properly. He said that with that
prop, I should be able to go hull speed. By the way the motor is a 20 HP
3 cylinder Yanmar. I looked at the prop when we were out last winter. It
sure looked to me like it turned out to full pitch. Maybe I didn’t know
how to evaluate it.


Larry Kraus
Wind Sonnet '84

mailto:jsforgey%40aol.comjsforgey@… wrote:

Thanks for sharing about your trip.

It always inspires me to go back out there.

And I love that it was a great story, not one that included the
dreaded “And THEN…”


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Posted by katorpus (jrb@…>)


The GPS will give you speed over ground, while the knotmeter
(assuming it’s accurate) will give you speed through the water.

In THIS case, the speed through the water is more relevant.

If you’re gauging your prop-tuning against hull speed (as in this
case), the speed over ground will be off from the speed through the
water by the factor of any favorable or unfavorable current.

Adding 2 knots to your speed through the water (favorable current)
will cause you to think you have things “right” when they
aren’t…and vice versa.

— In, Larry Kraus
<kracherlandl@…> wrote:


GPS is not as kind as the thru hull in this case. GPS speed is a
slower. Current wisdom is that I’ve got a prop problem. This is not
first time either. Some previous owner took off the 2 blade folding
and added the adjustable pitch prop. The folded one was stored in
boat when we bought her. Thanks for the advice.


Thomas Wales wrote:

Hi Larry,
I have the standard 2 bladed fixed prop and don’t plan on
changing it. I, too, have the Yanmar 3GM engine. At 2300 rpm, I
will get about 5.8 Kts in flat water. I motored into a fairly
wind yesterday to fill up water tank for my next trip and the gps
read between 5.3 and 5.6 kts.
My experience with the through -hull speedos is that they
are not very accurate. That may be half the problem. If you have a
gps, or can borrow one, check the difference in speeds that you
with each device.
Tom Wales
F32 #20
Anoush Koon
Pemaquid, ME

At 04:19 PM 9/4/2007, you wrote:

Hey you F32ers,

What kind of props do you have and what kind of boat speed do
you get
while motoring? I have an adjustable pitch, 3 blade prop. At
2000 rpm,
and flat water, I get about 4.2 knots. If I have to slog into
chop, I
get about 3 knots. Why not motor sail you might ask? Well we did
about 2 weeks ago. Worked nice until I realized that when heeled
starboard, we stopped getting intake water into the freshwater
pump. No harm done as we noticed it soon enough. Not that much
either. Toe rail was not in the water. We were on a time line on
last day of a fine 10 day vacation and had to be pumped out
before the
dock closed. Hate being on a time line. But I digress. So we quit
motorsailing and slogged the rest of the way at 3 knots. Got
there just
in time.

Any thoughts on the boat speed-prop issue. the mech at our marina
suggests that the pitch isn’t adjusted properly. He said that
with that
prop, I should be able to go hull speed. By the way the motor is
a 20 HP
3 cylinder Yanmar. I looked at the prop when we were out last
winter. It
sure looked to me like it turned out to full pitch. Maybe I
didn’t know
how to evaluate it.


Larry Kraus
Wind Sonnet '84

mailto:jsforgey%40aol.comjsforgey@… wrote:

Thanks for sharing about your trip.

It always inspires me to go back out there.

And I love that it was a great story, not one that included
dreaded “And THEN…”


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Posted by Larry Kraus (kracherlandl@…>)


Thanks for the reply. I’m in Lake Superior. We don’t have tide issues
and I’ve assumed current to be negligible. When we’re becalmed, we are
both on the GPS and the thru hull. Similarly, when we’re motoring in
flat water, GPS and thru hull compare nicely. When we’re in 2-4 ft wave
action and we’re heading into the waves, GPS is slower than thru hull.
I’ve attributed the differential to an effective “surface current”
created by the wave action. Don’t know that I’m right on that. But in
any case, I’m thinking that I should get about another 2 knots in flat
water, and more power against the chop when we’re heading into the wind.
I trying to determine if that is a reasonable expectation.

Thanks for you advice and comment.

Larry Kraus

katorpus wrote:


The GPS will give you speed over ground, while the knotmeter
(assuming it’s accurate) will give you speed through the water.

In THIS case, the speed through the water is more relevant.

If you’re gauging your prop-tuning against hull speed (as in this
case), the speed over ground will be off from the speed through the
water by the factor of any favorable or unfavorable current.

Adding 2 knots to your speed through the water (favorable current)
will cause you to think you have things “right” when they
aren’t…and vice versa.

— In, Larry Kraus
<kracherlandl@…> wrote:


GPS is not as kind as the thru hull in this case. GPS speed is a
slower. Current wisdom is that I’ve got a prop problem. This is not
first time either. Some previous owner took off the 2 blade folding
and added the adjustable pitch prop. The folded one was stored in
boat when we bought her. Thanks for the advice.


Thomas Wales wrote:

Hi Larry,
I have the standard 2 bladed fixed prop and don’t plan on
changing it. I, too, have the Yanmar 3GM engine. At 2300 rpm, I
will get about 5.8 Kts in flat water. I motored into a fairly
wind yesterday to fill up water tank for my next trip and the gps
read between 5.3 and 5.6 kts.
My experience with the through -hull speedos is that they
are not very accurate. That may be half the problem. If you have a
gps, or can borrow one, check the difference in speeds that you
with each device.
Tom Wales
F32 #20
Anoush Koon
Pemaquid, ME

At 04:19 PM 9/4/2007, you wrote:

Hey you F32ers,

What kind of props do you have and what kind of boat speed do
you get
while motoring? I have an adjustable pitch, 3 blade prop. At
2000 rpm,
and flat water, I get about 4.2 knots. If I have to slog into
chop, I
get about 3 knots. Why not motor sail you might ask? Well we did
about 2 weeks ago. Worked nice until I realized that when heeled
starboard, we stopped getting intake water into the freshwater
pump. No harm done as we noticed it soon enough. Not that much
either. Toe rail was not in the water. We were on a time line on
last day of a fine 10 day vacation and had to be pumped out
before the
dock closed. Hate being on a time line. But I digress. So we quit
motorsailing and slogged the rest of the way at 3 knots. Got
there just
in time.

Any thoughts on the boat speed-prop issue. the mech at our marina
suggests that the pitch isn’t adjusted properly. He said that
with that
prop, I should be able to go hull speed. By the way the motor is
a 20 HP
3 cylinder Yanmar. I looked at the prop when we were out last
winter. It
sure looked to me like it turned out to full pitch. Maybe I
didn’t know
how to evaluate it.


Larry Kraus
Wind Sonnet '84

mailto:jsforgey%40aol.comjsforgey@… wrote:

Thanks for sharing about your trip.

It always inspires me to go back out there.

And I love that it was a great story, not one that included
dreaded “And THEN…”


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