Re: F21 mast stepping

Posted by crarasim@… (crarasim@…)

I dry sail my 21 and have built a tempoary gin-pole (as we call them) that works great.
I have an old mast about 19ft long (I think it’s from a Capri 14.2), it’s just light enough for me to stand up by myself. I set it on a hunk of thick rubber (no slippage) right in front of the mast through-deck with shrouds connected to the base of the forward Port and Starboard (no turnbuckles) stantions.
The forestay is made a little short and I attach a line to it through the base of the pulpit, through a halyard fairlead and back to one of the winches. I then winch the whole rig tight (simple).
I then have a line running through a block at the top of the gin-pole through the halyard turning block, halyard fairlead, and back to the other winch. I attach this line to a line around the mast that is measured out and tied off at the gooseneck (I have a mark on the mast that shows the balance point, with a slightly heavier bottom section).
Thanks to donations and a simplfied setup I have only spent about $50.00 on the whole rig…

Charlie A.
WindRush F21 #104

Posted by shak1 (pshakula@…>)

I am considering buying a F21 without the hinged mast. How
difficult is it to step the mast without the hinge? My guess is it
is easier to put the mast up than get it dowm since lowering the
mast would involve lifting the mast up vertically. Do any of you
use any mechanisms, gallows, guides etc. to raise and lower the
mast? I have contacted both Freedom and TPI, and neither have any
hinges or blueprints for the hinge, so fitting a hinge on the
current mast is not an option.

Thanks in advance

Posted by Allen McClung (amcclung@…>)

I’ve had my 21 a few months. I stepped the non-hinged mast on the boat with the help of one other guy and a gallows-like hoist.

----- Original Message -----
From: shak1
Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2004 5:29 PM
Subject: [freedomyachts2003] F21 mast stepping
I am considering buying a F21 without the hinged mast. How difficult is it to step the mast without the hinge? My guess is it is easier to put the mast up than get it dowm since lowering the mast would involve lifting the mast up vertically. Do any of you use any mechanisms, gallows, guides etc. to raise and lower the mast? I have contacted both Freedom and TPI, and neither have any hinges or blueprints for the hinge, so fitting a hinge on the current mast is not an option.Thanks in advance

Posted by bill weber (billpeggyweber@…>)
shak1 <pshakula@…> wrote:you can find the plans for the mast hinge at the freedom 21 user notes on the net. If you know something aluminum.
I’m 135 pds but I can lift the mast. You need a hoist and another guy to steady the mast. I bought my 21 thinking all of the freedom 21’s were hinged they aren’t.
I am considering buying a F21 without the hinged mast. How difficult is it to step the mast without the hinge? My guess is it is easier to put the mast up than get it dowm since lowering the mast would involve lifting the mast up vertically. Do any of you use any mechanisms, gallows, guides etc. to raise and lower the mast? I have contacted both Freedom and TPI, and neither have any hinges or blueprints for the hinge, so fitting a hinge on the current mast is not an option.Thanks in advance
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