Re: Re: Looking for Freedom 40 Cat ketch

Posted by Fargo Rousseau (fargo_r@…>)
Dave:I was fascinated…but confused by your comments about the Freedom 40. Did you own an owner completed Freedom 40 (Hoyt/Herreshoft design), or the later Holland designed Freedom 39. When you said that if felt like it was on rails…were you referring to a sense of speed or its “tracking” ability…wanting to go straight with little helm attention in spite of being tossed about by the sea state? If the later, then was the boat also responsive to the helm at sea…and in the harbor?ThanksFargoDave_Benjamin <dave_benjamin@…> wrote: Bill, Did you prescribe Entropy some Viagra? She was 39 last time I checked. Actually with the anchor platform she’s closer to 41. I think this guy is looking for the older style 40. For anyone wondering we used to own Bill’s boat. It’s a very special 39 that was completed by the gentleman I bought the boat from. Probably the best 39 ever built from a structural standpoint. Also a very sweet ride in snotty conditions. Boat just felt like it was on rails. — In, William Nordquist <wdndmd@…> wrote: > > I have a Freedom 40 cat ketch that is not on the market, however, I would consider selling for the right price. I am from San Diego. > Bill Nordquist > > “William A. Cormack” <wacormack@…> wrote: > What’s an Iroquois? >

Posted by Dave_Benjamin (dave_benjamin@…>)

We owned Entropy, an owner completed Ron Holland designed 39 Express
hull and deck. Spars were supplied by Freedom. My comment regarding
the feeling of being on rails refers to the tracking ability
offshore. I didn’t sail the boat in any extreme conditions but in 15
foot seas and 30-35 knots of wind the boat tracked beautifully. She
was very fast on a reach or running but piggish upwind in lighter
airs. The boat could really use some type of jib like the one
installed on the 44 Frog Kiss.

Personally I think the 39 was one of the better Freedoms for
cruising. While buddyboating with a friend on a 36 I found we could
pull a horizon job off the wind in short order. Downwind wing on wing
which is slow in most boats was incredibly fast in the 39. A buddy of
mine in a HC 38 could not keep up with us DDW in light air even with
is engine firewalled. It’s just a great hull and I like the internal
ballast and skeg hung rudder.

Anyone thinking about calling Bill Nordquist about his 39 (our old
boat) is welcome to contact me as well. I’d consider buying the boat
back myself but if I spend any significant amount of money on a boat
it would have to be a liveaboard and the wife wants something bigger
next time around. So maybe we’ll look at a 44 or do a custom build in
Thailand where I have the contacts and resources to have something
built both economically and soundly. That’s at least 3-5 years down
the road though.

— In, Fargo Rousseau
<fargo_r@…> wrote:


I was fascinated…but confused by your comments about the Freedom

  1. Did you own an owner completed Freedom 40 (Hoyt/Herreshoft
    design), or the later Holland designed Freedom 39. When you said
    that if felt like it was on rails…were you referring to a sense of
    speed or its “tracking” ability…wanting to go straight with
    little helm attention in spite of being tossed about by the sea
    state? If the later, then was the boat also responsive to the helm at
    sea…and in the harbor?


Dave_Benjamin <dave_benjamin@…>
wrote: Bill,

Did you prescribe Entropy some Viagra? She was 39 last time I
Actually with the anchor platform she’s closer to 41.
I think this guy is looking for the older style 40.

For anyone wondering we used to own Bill’s boat. It’s a very
special 39
that was completed by the gentleman I bought the boat from.
the best 39 ever built from a structural standpoint. Also a very
ride in snotty conditions. Boat just felt like it was on rails.

— In, William Nordquist
<wdndmd@> wrote:

I have a Freedom 40 cat ketch that is not on the market,
however, I
would consider selling for the right price. I am from San Diego.
Bill Nordquist

“William A. Cormack” <wacormack@> wrote:
What’s an Iroquois?