Removing forwar hatch on F-40 Cat-Ketch

Posted by Jay Glen (svfantasy@…>)

I own “Fantasy”, a 1981 Freedom 40 Cat-Ketch. The forward hatch over
the V-berth is leaking, either through the fasteners or under the
frame. When trying to remove it I determined it is fastened with
machine screws. I removed the headliner but still cannot access the
nuts on the machine screws.Does anyone know how to remove these
hatches short of tearing out the woodwork supporting the hatch. I
believe the hatch is a Bomar 24" square. Thank you all in advance for
your assistance.

Jay Glen
SF Bay

Posted by michel.capel (michel.capel@…>)


I just removed all six bomar deckhatches. You really cannot get around
removing the wooden inside frames under the hatches, because they
cover the nuts. These wooden frames are not difficult to remove. Pry
or drill out the covers of the screws on the inside of the frame
(leave the screws on the underside!) and remove the 8 screws. The
frame is probably glued to the deck with some silicone, so pry it down
carefully and you get it off in one piece. Three of my six frames came
off in pieces because they used bad wood glue. I more and more get the
impression Freedom never thought these boats would last more than 25

Good luck

— In, “Jay Glen” <svfantasy@…>

I own “Fantasy”, a 1981 Freedom 40 Cat-Ketch. The forward hatch over
the V-berth is leaking, either through the fasteners or under the
frame. When trying to remove it I determined it is fastened with
machine screws. I removed the headliner but still cannot access the
nuts on the machine screws.Does anyone know how to remove these
hatches short of tearing out the woodwork supporting the hatch. I
believe the hatch is a Bomar 24" square. Thank you all in advance
your assistance.

Jay Glen
SF Bay

Posted by svfantasy@… (svfantasy@…)
Thank you for the info. Upon looking at the problem today it seems your suggestion is the only option. I’ll do as you directed. Thanks again.
----- Original Message -----From: “michel.capel” To: freedomyachts2003@yahoogroups.comSubject: [freedomyachts2003] Re: Removing forwar hatch on F-40 Cat-KetchDate: Wed, 10 May 2006 07:48:32 -0000Jay,I just removed all six bomar deckhatches. You really cannot get around removing the wooden inside frames under the hatches, because they cover the nuts. These wooden frames are not difficult to remove. Pry or drill out the covers of the screws on the inside of the frame (leave the screws on the underside!) and remove the 8 screws. The frame is probably glued to the deck with some silicone, so pry it down carefully and you get it off in one piece. Three of my six frames came off in pieces because they used bad wood glue. I more and more get the impression Freedom never thought these boats would last more than 25 years.Good luckMichel— In, “Jay Glen” <svfantasy@…> wrote:>> I own “Fantasy”, a 1981 Freedom 40 Cat-Ketch. The forward hatch over > the V-berth is leaking, either through the fasteners or under the > frame. When trying to remove it I determined it is fastened with > machine screws. I removed the headliner but still cannot access the > nuts on the machine screws.Does anyone know how to remove these > hatches short of tearing out the woodwork supporting the hatch. I > believe the hatch is a Bomar 24" square. Thank you all in advance for > your assistance.> > Jay Glen> SF Bay>