Swim ladder for F-25?

Posted by gaprior@… (gaprior@…)

I would like to add a swim ladder to the stern of my F-25, but
haven’t been able to find anything that will work. My boat has the
additional complication of having been converted to wheel steering
that has a bar that sticks out from the transom about 6" on the
starboard side to connect the rudder to the steering link that sticks
out the transom. There is an outboard on port, so the ladder has to
be spaced away from the connecting bar.

I have been using a ladder with bends in the rails that hook over the
transom. It just rests on the rudder bar which seems to be OK (when
NOT sailing, of course :-). It is too short though. The bottom rung
in only 4" into the water. It is also a pain to store when not in use.

Any ideas???

Thanks, Greg

Posted by ketchman47 (katch47@…>)

Greg, this may or may not help. Our swim ladder on our F36 is too
short, too, though permenantly mounted. WE bought an extra plastic
snap-on step from West Marine (you can get additional ones, too) and
it really makes a difference in getting the steps further down in
the water. Lenny