Vacuum Gauges for Fuel Filtration

Here is a photo of a gauge prior to being disassembled.

Here is a look inside. Notice that the part that could fail and cause problems is in fact quite robust. The solder joints are solid and the tube that flexes slightly to actuate the needle is as wide as it can be an yet fit inside the casing. I am confident enough in this gauge to install without a cut off valve. I will however still like to see how it works in place. A lot of needle motion might make it unusable. I will also safety wire a pipe plug next to it… just in case. I also pressurized it way over what the engine priming pump could ever deliver and it had no effect. A typical 12 volt electric priming pump will deliver about 4 psi.

I have no association with Drill Spot and in fact they simply drop shipped from Grainger so I could have probably saved a few dollars ordering direct from them.


ok how did you send this message to Yahoo groups?

Also I need help putting my picture in my profile.

I also am trying to send people to my seaknots page on my information page…is that working?


Also my fuel gauge reads upside down…Fuel Doctor Guy tried to rearrange but could not…I can still read it tho

Hi Lola,

And welcome.

This was a topic that was started at the yahoo group so I posted a link from here in there. What I did was I cut the URL from my browser and pasted that link into a message at the yahoo group. When you clicked the link that was in a message from the Yahoo group it brought you here.

I’d be glad to help with the picture for your profile. It can be any picture you have on your computer but it has to be the right size… really small. So a head shot is best but it can really be anything including an animation like the one I put in my sig line here. If you want, email me the picture, I’ll size it for you and send it back. Then you can go to your user control panel here and upload it. If you have any trouble I’ll walk you through it step by step.

I’m not seeing your seaknots page. But that’s easy to do also. Also from the user control panel. You could do it the same way I did the one to our web site (which only has our wedding so far). Let me know if I can help with that and I’ll give you a step by step for that too but I’ll probably put it where everyone can find it easy because others will probably want to do that also.

Your fuel gauge. OK I’m not sure I completely understand, is the gauge mounted upside down? or is it reading empty when the tank is full? We should be able to get to the bottom of that! If you have a digital camera take a picture of it and upload it here for me.



Is this guage like the racor vacuum guage?


Hi Tom,

I will use this gauge for the same purpose as the Racor vacuum gauge. I have decided to go with a different filter assembly than the one with the “T” handle on top so it will not be mounted up the same way. When I get to that point I’ll post more pictures.



We had a lively discussion on this over at the other group. This isn’t the same gauge as the Racor, but if you want one that’s closer in design, look for one that’s liquid filled (damped)…probably with silicone. This cuts down on the “needle shake” that occurs from vibration (of the engine). There are also moveable/resettable needles in the Racor unit with which you set a “redline” and a “baseline” reading. I’m not promoting the Racor here, just pointing out the differences. Cost is another significant difference.