Winter potpourri - What product is best to maintain/restore shine on Gelcoat

Posted by mmaggiacom (mmaggiacom@…>)

I see many products out there claiming to be the best. Anyone have
experience with a product that works?

Posted by CRAIG WINDERMAN (crwindy@…>)
I used poly-glo last year on my badly faded blue awlgripped freedom 36. It really made the boat shine remarkably. I am having her re-awlgripped this year (along with adding a swim transom to make her a 36/38), but if I were not, I certainly would put on another coat. It got a good review in practical sailor. It is expensive, but can help put off a paint job for a year or two. It is very different from any regular waxes.mmaggiacom <mmaggiacom@…> wrote:
I see many products out there claiming to be the best. Anyone have experience with a product that works?To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:freedomyachts2003-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.comYour use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

Posted by Jack Upfal (freestile1986@…>)

I also have a 36 and would be interested in knowing
what is involved in converting the transom? About how
much would it cost?


— CRAIG WINDERMAN <crwindy@…> wrote:

I used poly-glo last year on my badly faded blue
awlgripped freedom 36. It really made the boat shine
remarkably. I am having her re-awlgripped this year
(along with adding a swim transom to make her a
36/38), but if I were not, I certainly would put on
another coat. It got a good review in practical
sailor. It is expensive, but can help put off a
paint job for a year or two. It is very different
from any regular waxes.

mmaggiacom <mmaggiacom@…> wrote:I see many
products out there claiming to be the best. Anyone
experience with a product that works?

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Posted by CRAIG WINDERMAN (crwindy@…>)
Freedom has the molds for the transom, but I understand they are not really interested in making more. Paul Dennis who used to be a bigwig in their facility made mine last year, and it is being put on by George Borges who also used to work for them. Goerge is doing the paint job (he does the factory paints for the new Pearson powerboats). They are both close to me in Warren, RI. Paul is widely thought of as the Freedom Guru. If you are anywhere near here, I would recommend either or both of them. Paul is now having boats that he is working on hauled at Cove Haven Marine in Barrington, RI and Goerge has them at his place. I can get you in touch with either or both of them.
As for cost, like everything else with a boat, too much. Actually it is not all that bad, 32-3800 for the transom and ladder etc and 1500-2200 for the install. I am doing in concert with the awlgrip, so it makes sense to me. Everyine I have spoken to says it is a worthwhile addition, and if I ever sell the boat (which I doubt) I should get every penny back, and possibly then some.
Let me know if you want to call talk talk live.
craigJack Upfal <freestile1986@…> wrote:
I also have a 36 and would be interested in knowingwhat is involved in converting the transom? About howmuch would it cost?Jack— CRAIG WINDERMAN <crwindy@…> wrote:> I used poly-glo last year on my badly faded blue> awlgripped freedom 36. It really made the boat shine> remarkably. I am having her re-awlgripped this year> (along with adding a swim transom to make her a> 36/38), but if I were not, I certainly would put on> another coat. It got a good review in practical> sailor. It is expensive, but can help put off a> paint job for a year or two. It is very different> from any regular waxes.> > mmaggiacom <mmaggiacom@…> wrote:I see many> products out there claiming to be the best. Anyone> have > experience
with a product that works?> > > Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT> > To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:>> > > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo!> Terms of Service. > > __________________________________Do you Yahoo!?New Yahoo! Photos - easier uploading and sharing. unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:freedomyachts2003-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.comYour use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.