With Charlie bearing down...

Posted by lance_ryley (lance_ryley@…>)

Just wanted to wish everyone down south all the best weathering
Charlie. Godspeed to you and your families.

“Bright Star”
Winthrop, MA

Posted by Sward (swardfullsail@…>)
Thanks for the best wishes. I’m sitting on my Freedom32 in St. Augustine at a dock with lots of other liveaboards up the Sebestian River all battoned down hoping for the best. I was in Ft. Myers Beach before here and have many friends there. I hope they are ok. Only time will tell. It will be a long night. I will stay aboard as long as it is safe to.

s/v "Dream On"lance_ryley <lance_ryley@…> wrote:
Just wanted to wish everyone down south all the best weathering Charlie. Godspeed to you and your families.Lance"Bright Star"Winthrop, MA

Posted by Paul McFadden (pwhitmac@…>)

Glad to hear that you left Ft. Meyers. From what I see on the Weather Channel, they got the “bad quadrant” of Charley, with Port Charlotte getting a direct hit. Gotta say, we were worried about you, and your boat. St. Augustine should be a pretty good place to ride it out I would think. At least you’ve got the river to absorb a good bit of the surge.

Stay safe, and let us know how everything goes.

PaulSward <swardfullsail@…> wrote:

Thanks for the best wishes. I’m sitting on my Freedom32 in St. Augustine at a dock with lots of other liveaboards up the Sebestian River all battoned down hoping for the best. I was in Ft. Myers Beach before here and have many friends there. I hope they are ok. Only time will tell. It will be a long night. I will stay aboard as long as it is safe to.

s/v "Dream On"lance_ryley <lance_ryley@…> wrote:
Just wanted to wish everyone down south all the best weathering Charlie. Godspeed to you and your families.Lance"Bright Star"Winthrop, MA
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Posted by Sward (swardfullsail@…>)
Just to let you all know the outcome of “Charlie” here in St. Augustine, we were very lucky. We had sustained winds of 55 mph for an hour or so and gusts of 70 I think. Not a lot of rain and no damage whatsoever at the dock here. A few miles away, there were downed trees and some people are out of power. I went to work as usual and people were out shopping!!

I understand from the first reports that the marina in Ft. Myers Beach is OK. My friend who lives aboard her Irwin 37, who took it up the Calusahattchi River past the first lock-the Franklin Lock, left a message for me saying they were ok, but it was rough.

I don’t think I will totally put the boat back together with more storms looming offshore. Thanks again for your best wishes.

Dream OnSward <swardfullsail@…> wrote:

Thanks for the best wishes. I’m sitting on my Freedom32 in St. Augustine at a dock with lots of other liveaboards up the Sebestian River all battoned down hoping for the best. I was in Ft. Myers Beach before here and have many friends there. I hope they are ok. Only time will tell. It will be a long night. I will stay aboard as long as it is safe to.

s/v "Dream On"lance_ryley <lance_ryley@…> wrote:
Just wanted to wish everyone down south all the best weathering Charlie. Godspeed to you and your families.Lance"Bright Star"Winthrop, MA