Posted by swardfullsail (swardfullsail@…>)
Hello all,
My boating experience continues to be an adventure-not all that I
wanted it to be however.
I have a Gary Hoyt design 32 - named “Dream On”
This week I plan to replace my 3GMF Yanmar with the 3YM30. Has
anyone done this and have any advise? I have had a lot of problems
with it and yesterday, one of the engine mounts let go and left me
stranded for the last time. I had a leak in my raw water vented
loop for awhile and have rust so it is inevetible for more
problems. I decided to go with a new engine instead of rebuilding
for many reasons.
The second problem is the battens in the sail. Come to find out
after 5 1/2 years living aboard, I have learned that the battens are
too small for the sail. They are about an inch wide and should be 2
inches as that is the size of the pockets. Has anyone else found
this problem? I am having new sails made-another adventure off the
coast of South Carolina too long to go into!
While I was going down the ICW last week to Miami, my throttle
broke. I called Edson and was told that West Marine had the
replacement, which I bought, however, it seemed that to work, I had
to take the pedistal apart and push the top part back or actually
forward toward the bow for the throttle to be able to work with the
angle in which it is made. This is not the solution.
Does anyone have any comments, advise, help? I’d appreciate
anything. Being a single woman livingaboard, I have learned many,
many things, but am tired of problems constantly, however, I have
been told by many boaters that this is normal!!
Oh, I have also had hours and hours of problems with air in my fuel
lines somewhere. I have replaced the hoses from the tank to the
Racor 500 that I installed a couple of years ago. I also put new
fittings on the Racor since the ones I had were jury rigged. I have
blead the engine more times than I could ever keep track of-still
problems. This needs to be resolved as the new engine won’t solve
this issue. Don’t know what to do next.
s/v “Dream On”