And it begins

Flywheel is pretty rusted. May be hard to see.

So last one for today. I measured all the angles of the engine beds in relation to the floor. Right now I am sitting a little nose high on the hard. I am going to draw up a diagram and will post it here if anyone likes.

I do need to touch bases with Beta before pulling the engine. I am going to do it in sections once I start. I am also going to see if the high school wants it for a project in their automotive class. If not then I will see if anyone here would like bits & pieces.

I also have a brand new raw water pump in a bag. Was from my last boat (3gm30).

Oh and I forgot - Merry Christmas… :santa:

That engine install is going to be such an improvement! I had a much easier time measuring after my old engine was gone. I did support the prop shaft because mine dropped a bit when not coupled to the transmission. Everything was measured off of the prop shaft end height and angle. I used the standard feet and used some epoxy coated white oak blocks to go up and get the angle right. I wish I was 1/4" forward of where it ended up :laughing:

I am giving Beta a call tomorrow to touch bases and ask a few questions. My aft engine beds angle is 10-degrees slopping aft. Prop shaft is the same. Current yanmar is basically the same depending on where I measure. Does the beta sit flat?

Pulling engine apart. Have the head removed. Hmmmm I see A Leaking HEAD GASKET and antifreeze in the cylinders…

The pile of goodies is growing.

Shaft is free. Was very tight on the starboard side.

And a good place to stop. Engine is free - just need a hoist and a helper. AKA my 21 year old son.

So maybe a little redneck - but I’m from Florida and Louisiana.

Up and off space. Now to get it out the companion way. Next phase.

Motor up, motor out, started to wipe things down but too cold. Windex and degreaser freezing :cold_face: to hull. 9-degrees F outside.

And its out. At home working on removing the tyranny and aft brackets.

So after various mockups (Flat footprint of 30 - vs - 25) and a 3-d model with the sump and feet attached I have stepped down to a 25. The 30 was, for lack of better terms, going to be a bitch to install due to width mostly. I did not want to push the 30 out into the cabin and extend (replace) the shaft and rebuilt the engine compartment around all of that. SO Beta 25 it is. I go from 7.4 to 7.1 regarding speed…
I have been putting info in the below talk.

Now with that said the new sails are almost done and should be shipped here in a week or so.

New sails have arrived. It will be a few months till mother winter is gone before I can “raise them”. Beta 25 is approximately 3 months out so I may have a functional boat this summer. Gives me time to do other projects - sort of. No Fiberglass work till it warms up.

Working on figuring out how-where the new motor will go. May have to cut out the original engine catch and make new mounting beds.

Still no motor. Rented the lift and worked on the main and mizzen tops, new rigging and started to get the new sails configured

More up top photos.

45-ft lift was just tall enough.

Really nice! New beta will be terrific… I love your masthead- so functional! Antennas - is the one a cell booster?

Not sure. Those were all the old stuff I took down. It actually started to crumble as I removed it.

My addition was a Davis Wind Vane on the mizzen. Both main and mizzen got new blocks and a check. All new lines (rigging) was mostly installed. What is left I can get at deck level.